Shop ~ Cheap TBT Shop ~ 400 NMTs per 100 TBT, Material Stacks (4 TBT each), Framed Photos, DIYs, Statues, Models, Gulliver, Fish Bait

  1. TBT Bells
hi again! could i get 2 pink and blue benches, 2 pink drink machines and 1 stack of cherry blossom petals for 22 TBT?
hi again! could i get 2 pink and blue benches, 2 pink drink machines and 1 stack of cherry blossom petals for 22 TBT?
Hello! can I please get:
Mush parasol DIY
Mush lamp DIY
All for 10 tbt? :)

Hello to both of you! Definitely on both orders. I'm available now to trade and will be around for the rest of the night. Let me know whenever either of you are around and I'll set a Dodo for our trades. :)