(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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friga just asked to move out ): if anyone wants her, i can tt to get her in boxes and you can come see her! she is mostly original, i’ve given her a shirt and maybe a bug or two. not really asking for much, maybe just a few nmt, otherwise she’s free to a good home!! thanks!!
looking for genji! i have flora in boxes right now to trade, or i can offer nmt/igb
Looking for Whitney, Freya, Blanche, or Pheobe. Have ~20 NMT to trade for.
hi!! I have blanche in boxes - do you have an open plot?


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Kyle asked to move out today if anyone’s interested! Looking mainly for igb. I can time travel to tomorrow when someone grabs him.
I have all my wanted villagers, but Tammy and Pinky were 2 of my original villagers and thus have the lame basic home interiors. I have every (yes, every) animal crossing amiibo card so I'm going to kick them out and bring them back so they'll have nicer homes.
SO. As long as your dreamie isn't one of the characters new to NH, I can get them for you while I swap out Tammy and Pinky's homes. I can only take 2 offers though. Feel free to shoot a PM if interested (Please no tbt, I've never cared about it). I'd also appreciate a reply here quoting this!
Looking for Bob. I won't pay an insane amount of anything for him, though.
Ribbot, Prince and Henry(frogs)
Cube or Sprinkle(penguins)
Bunnie or Ruby(rabbits)
Hazel (squirrel)
Agnes (pig)

Can trade wishlist items or offer a few NMTs if need be :) Please PM!

I’ll trade cube.
I have a plot open and I would really love to have Chrissy the peppy rabbit. please name a price!
Hi I have Whitney in boxes!! 20 nmt sounds good to me!! If you have an open plot already ready respond to this w your discord pls

I do not have an open plot today. Reneigh is moving out today. I will have one tomorrow
Looking for Diana! I can offer up to 1mil IGB, I have amiibos for Julian, Goldie, and Stitches, and I also have Dobie in my town I'd be willing to trade.
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