(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I am now looking for Diana and Whitney! I have several million bells and lots of furniture rares and unorderables for bargain! Please PM.
I'm looking for Whitney or Mira. If you have either of them I can offer Punchy in return or bells and other things. Edit: I got Mira :D
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I'm looking for Zucker, Genji, Marshal and Pietro.
I've only got two of my Dreamies (Francine and Merengue) so far and I'm trying to achieve my others
I can trade Bells or possibly trade my villagers.
If you have them, please PM me! ;A; QAQ
I'm looking for Poppy, Rudy and Lolly. My last three dreamies to complete my town. I will pay bells of course.
I have Kitty if anyones interested but she just moved in so it could take awhile (>人<)
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Looking for Chrissy and Francine. I have Puck leaving my town on the 13th this month if anyone wants to trade for him otherwise i can offer furniture sets and bells (although im not exactly rich) but it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could give one or both of these villagers as a gift :)
I also have Mira and would like to get rid of her (^_^);
When she moves would I'm willing to trade
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Looking for Marshal, will trade Zucker.
Looking for all my dreamies in my signature apart from Axel. Willing to TT to swap any of my current villagers. I don't have a lot of money but will make a donation. PM me :)
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Currently looking for Lolly and Beau! If you have either of them, please let me know! I could possibly trade you for one of your dreamies. I am currently resetting for campers and I've come across some pretty good villagers, I might see them again as I am still resetting.
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Actively seeking Marshal right now! I have 11 mil in the Marshal fund and I could offer Hamlet or Butch in addition, or any other of my residents that aren't dreamies. I also have a spare red and pink carnation to give with, for breeding! Let me know if you're interested. ;///u///;
Looking for Agent S c: (just incase I don't recieve her from the other user I'm suppose to get her from). So I only have Wolfgang to trade atm... PM or VM please if interested ; v ;
Still looking for Bam, Lolly and Mathilda. (My awesome SO has Julian reserved for me ❤)
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