(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Agent S, my last dreamie~ ♪
Looking for Bianca. I just saw her in a dream and fell in love :blush:

I can pay or trade Tangy or Chief.
Looking for Lolly, Walker, Bob and Rudy - they are my mega dreamies will buy for 250 000 bells please email me if you have them =)
Still looking for Robin. I'm at a point where I can safely take her in so the quicker the better.

I'm aware nobody has her as she tends to get voided, but just incase I'm having a lucky streak with my timing...
I'm looking for Francine!

I have a couple of villagers that may interest some people.. I used to have Francine but I recently lost her so I've been trying hard to find her!

I could pay in bells too!

the villagers i have to offer are; Willow, Tammy, Daisy, Robin, Chaddar and Biskit!

Please let me know if you know someone who is trading her!

Please and thank you!
Looking for Phoebe. I might not be able to trade until later, because I currently have ten villagers. I will offer bells for her, at least 500,000. If you are interested, I will probably be able to get the trade done today or tomorrow after school. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi ! I'm looking for : Marshal, Merry, Beau, Bam, Chevre, Whitney and Flo

I can trade them for : Goose, Rocco, Shari, Tex, Pompom and Joey :)

I currently have 9 villagers, so I'm available for any trade or giveaway ;)
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im looking for Ankha, Stitches, Poppy, Bill, Puck or Gaston i have Francine to offer but only for Ankha and Stitches and may Poppy and Bill, PM me plz!
looking for drago, lucha, molly, or cube have 1.5 mil bells
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