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Hi I’d like to enter the giveaway!

Firstly congrats on your anniversary ❤️

I love spring because I live opposite a park and during the winter all the trees are leafless and bleak, when the cherry blossom starts to blossom I know brighter & sunnier days are coming. Spring allows me to take my 2 children on more days out as there is less rain and less cold :) my daughter loves picking flowers for me❤️
I would like to enter the giveaway please! Happy Anniversary(it's the day before my birthday) ;)

I love spring because of all the new flowers and and especially new baby animals. We have woods behind out house and sometimes the local bunny population comes into our backyard to graze. They are all cute but the babies are super adorable! We also have big birds called sandhill cranes. The adults are gray with red on their heads but the babies are all orange and make the cutest little peeps! It's nice having them so close and getting that experience. 🐰🌷
I'd like to enter the giveaway thank you!! 🌸
We don't have a spring season where I live (it's all rainy or sunny season) but this week I am planning to go home to my province for a quick break :D we don't get breaks from hospital work very often so I'd like to take advantage of every little moment!
I’d love to enter the giveaway as well! 🌼 spring is wild this year (it’s been 80° for a week lol) but one of my favorite things to do is open the windows to wherever I am and let the fresh air pour in when it’s a nice temperature outside :)
Hi :) Can I please trade in a Fossil Easter Egg and get a Baby Chick Easter Egg?

Also I'd love to enter your giveaway! One of my favorite things to do in Spring is to buy more plants. I'm an avid plant collector and in the Spring I tend to find a lot of gorgeous plants available. Plus, my current plants thrive and produce lots of new growth that I love to admire!
Hi :) Can I please trade in a Fossil Easter Egg and get a Baby Chick Easter Egg?

Also I'd love to enter your giveaway! One of my favorite things to do in Spring is to buy more plants. I'm an avid plant collector and in the Spring I tend to find a lot of gorgeous plants available. Plus, my current plants thrive and produce lots of new growth that I love to admire!
Hello! Definitely can :) you’ll have 40 shop credit leftover! Any message?

Congratulations to the 5 winners of the 5-Year TBT Anniversary Giveaway!
@*The Oakboro Mayor* @Biancasbotique @JellyLu @Snek @xara
Each of you will be receiving 100 TBT shortly!

5 rounds of adding 100 numbers each time were needed to reach 5 matching numbers!


In celebration of 5 years on TBT, all collectibles are 10% off until April 20 @ 12pm EST!​
wow what a lovely surprise!! thank you so much! congrats again on your 5-year tbt anniversary justin, and tysm again for hosting this giveaway! 🖤🖤

congrats to the other winners as well! c:
I'd love to trade in a Stardust Easter Egg and a Baby Chick Egg for store credit if you're still accepting. 😊