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Hi Jhine7! Could I trade in my Purple Star Fragment (at your trade-in 85% value = 5100) and use my shop credit to get the Red Star Fragment?

I've also reacted to Post #1 for The First Message Reaction Discount! I'm not sure if it's applied on first purchase but if not, I'd like to be put on the list for later trades!
Hi Jhine7! Could I trade in my Purple Star Fragment (at your trade-in 85% value = 5100) and use my shop credit to get the Red Star Fragment?

I've also reacted to Post #1 for The First Message Reaction Discount! I'm not sure if it's applied on first purchase but if not, I'd like to be put on the list for later trades!
Hello! Definitely can! And the discount applies :) you’ll have 3615 leftover credit!
Hello! Definitely can! And the discount applies :) you’ll have 3615 leftover credit!
Great, thank you so much! I'll send it over now :) Would it be okay to request this as the message?:

Could I get the white moon and yellow moon with my credit and 5% discount please?
Definitely can! :)

White Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
2500 - 5% off = 2375
Credit: 3230 - 2375 = 855

Sending over now!

Togepi Easter Egg
Bee Plush
Clownfish Plush
Eevee Easter Egg
Zombie Halloweaster Egg
Shadow Kitty Plush
Blue Star Fragment
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Blue Balloon
Golden Mushroom Lamp
Spectral Preserves
Caustic Crystal
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Green Feather
Blue Feather
Pavé Pink Feather
Indigo Mushroom Lamp
Purple Bat Potion
Quirky Doll

Togepi Easter Egg, Bee Plush, Clownfish Plush, Eevee Easter Egg,
Zombie Halloweaster Egg, Teal House, Shadow Kitty Plush, Gourdy, Blue Star Fragment,
Bluebird of Happiness Plush, Blue Balloon, Golden Mushroom Lamp, Spectral Preserves, Caustic Crystal, Moonlight Halloweaster Egg,
Green Feather, Blue Feather, Pave Purple Feather, Indigo Mushroom Lamp, Ghostly Preserves, Purple Bat Potion, Quirky Doll, Rafflesia​