"COLLECTIBLES" - A blessing or a curse!

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I've resigned myself to the fact I'll probably never get a peach, the rest of the letters or an apple when that is released unless I offer something like 10 mill per 100 TBT in the market forum. I may have to do that at some point but dropping lots of bells will be a pain.
they're a cursing

It's true. I'd also like to purchase some of the add on features like the one to add extra pictures to a signature, I've never seen those in stock and I wonder if they're ever restocked and I've just missed it, or they are never stocked at all.
You know what? They are a curse. Some people are just too worked up about them. I am obsessed with collectibles but I don't fight over them or meticulously pick out every time you resell a collectible or buy from a low auction which the seller has gladly agreed to sell to. It's not there business but they keep on butting in. I was just trying to have some fun with these collectibles as I love buying and selling. I've bought and sold my whole life whether coins, toys, trading cards etc but collectibles have done more wrong then good to me. I really don't get why making a few profit is SO wrong? Isn't that how people make cash in real life? Buy/make at low price and sell at higher price? That's why Chinese manufacturers are so popular. I believe that if the seller agreed to sell the buyer can do whatever they want with them. Please tell me why and have a wonderful day.
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It's true. I'd also like to purchase some of the add on features like the one to add extra pictures to a signature, I've never seen those in stock and I wonder if they're ever restocked and I've just missed it, or they are never stocked at all.

they're permanently out of stock because there's no need for them anymore
Oh that's a shame, I'd like to have the option to add another signature picture or artwork.

you can use that signature changer thingy which changes your sig every few seconds, Pengutango has it, not sure if she made it a gif or used a program but you can ask her.
you can use that signature changer thingy which changes your sig every few seconds, Pengutango has it, not sure if she made it a gif or used a program but you can ask her.

Oh ok thanks I will ask her later :).
Some people are just too worked up about them.


You see that ?

That is the iron of irony.
does it work with avis or does forum software prevent that?

also is there a limit to how many times per day the "refresh" can happen for free?

The forum software prevents it, mainly because it would be a bit wonky.

And nah, refresh to your heart's content. No limit to that.
The forum software prevents it, mainly because it would be a bit wonky.

And nah, refresh to your heart's content. No limit to that.

well damn

though I have an idea of something to do, but I'm not entirely sure it'd be possible.... plus I'd have to recreate it all
Thanks guys I'll look into signavatar when I make my new sigs for my other towns.
I like thinking of collectibles like a memory of a past TBT. When you giveaway a collectible, to me, it seems like that person is sharing that memory with you. Or maybe to symbolize how much you like this community and have progressed in it. Even to demonstrate to the forums what you enjoy.

I'm sorry that the collectibles are causing such a big fuss. The reason behind it is how it is non exploitable. TBT, the currency mostly used, cannot be hacked(unless u r pro) as easily as ACNL bells. You don't have an island to easily make thousands. It's to the point where soon ten million ACNL bells with only amount to 100 TBT. It's seems obvious what's going on here, but there's nothing you can do. Plus, they might have actually earned it(oh gawsh the time it must have taken if they did), so you can't know.

Collectibles are priced to their rarity. Most of the time, you see people looking for yellow letters, dark bloo ones(whyyyyyy did I sell mine), pokeballs, or feathers. The prices have risen to 12k for a pokeball. Going by the 10 million rate, thats over 1 billion ACNL bells. Waow.

And then there's the people with two white feathers(example). Everyone rages against that person, "u hoarder you shouldn't be allowed to do dat" and then their collectible should be taken away. That person had to earn the tickets/bells for that item. They probably worked to get it. They should keep it.

I'm sorry that the mods have to put up with their hard worked on collectibles being called a curse. Leaving a forum is dumb. It means you didn't care in the first place about this forum. I don't get it. But in reality TBT has the same problems as the world right now, in the economy part. Don't get me started. *goes into three hour history lesson mode on how the world got to it's economic state*

Just my two cents. Any things used are off the top of my head. Gosh thia post is so deep, but whateva. ★
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I wouldn't say it's just due to TBT bells... someone posting around a lot or someone who can do something for them (whether signatures or art) does make it a bit easier despite the fact that there is only so much you can do to earn them. And I'm sure if people could buy them [with real money], many people would considering some sales that have happened.

That said, I think the issue is in the stock being limited. Even though there's a lot of mentions of being a lot of work, only the admins are in control of the store and it'd be less work if nothing had to be restocked/nothing was limited. Nobody would be constantly asking when something is going to be back because nothing will ever be gone in the first place.

And they are called Collectibles, not a privilege. While I'm not saying they can't feel that way (they obviously do to some people--as I've said previously, I could care less if everyone had everything since it doesn't remove any "value" of mine--it's special because of how I earned it, more existing shouldn't have any effect on that), this is on a forum for a game where collecting is a thing--there's even a badge for getting so many different items in your catalog. And while there are some exclusive items (which, you can still get a large amount legitly by just deleting a character, remaking them, and re-getting said item), it's a guarantee it'll be there again next year and it's not a limited stock. And the things that are limited stock do not really matter since the stores are individual to each person. The only issue would be if you share a copy of AC and most people I know do not.

Continuing back on the previous line of thinking--the item that really started the frenzy, so to speak, was a Pokeball who's slogan has been Gotta Catch 'em All. Literally just two things that shout "COLLECT THEM ALL" which really ingrains it.

I don't feel I wasted anytime with my collectibles. It and replying to PMs and occasionally a post are the only reasons I'm still here. Eventually I may go forever like many other sites I collected things on, but I always still pop in every so often. No regrets since each is special to me, even if some get tainted.
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