"COLLECTIBLES" - A blessing or a curse!

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End Collectibles for a few weeks to get everyone to calm down. There seems too be a lot of tension that led rude comments to the staff. That's not the disrespect I want to see on TBT on what? Pixels!?! Y'all need to rethink your life if your get so worked up of pixels.

Lol, we aren't going to punish everyone just because a few people complained that we don't have enough collectibles. Actually, I really don't know what the complaints are about exactly. Are they too expensive? Are there too few? I don't even know at this point.
Lol, we aren't going to punish everyone just because a few people complained that we don't have enough collectibles. Actually, I really don't know what the complaints are about exactly. Are they too expensive? Are there too few? I don't even know at this point.

They were complaining that there were too few so they instantly sold out to very few members (some buying more than one at once) during every restock. And then something about new members not being able to afford the collectibles being sold on the market or something.

- - - Post Merge - - -

This has nothing to do with the topic. Please stay on topic.

You can delete it then while I wipe my tears. :'(
This has nothing to do with the topic. Please stay on topic.

Not to harp on you, but please follow post quality. This thread isn't accepting of lightheartedness.
o. Sorry. Oh I forgot to say this. (of an item) worth collecting; of interest to a collector. That basically means that not anyone will have them. The "newbies" the op was talking about wont necessarily have a lot of collectibles in the beginning; it takes time and patience.
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Lol, we aren't going to punish everyone just because a few people complained that we don't have enough collectibles. Actually, I really don't know what the complaints are about exactly. Are they too expensive? Are there too few? I don't even know at this point.

Basically that there are too few I think...
It would also be cool if restocks were done at different times to give all time zones chances to snag some swanky new collectibles :D
Lol, we aren't going to punish everyone just because a few people complained that we don't have enough collectibles. Actually, I really don't know what the complaints are about exactly. Are they too expensive? Are there too few? I don't even know at this point.
I'm as confused as you. The only thing that bothers me is the exchange rate for tbt bells these days, but oh well that's life. Everyone wants money.

Restocks are like free cash to some people. Who wouldn't want it?
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Ok, this might come off as harsh or stupid (sorry on the internet I can't really express my feelings properly), but if you want collectibles, you have to work for them. A lot of people here didn't just have some collectible fairy dawn them with a super rare Mori letter or a shiny new Pinwheel. No, they worked for it. They were patient and didn't give up. (props to you guys btw)

These "new members" you speak of are going to have to find a way to work in the TBT Market one way or another. It's their problem if they want the collectible. Besides, there are plenty ways to make some TBT here. They just have to use it to their advantage.

/end jumbled rant
Lol, we aren't going to punish everyone just because a few people complained that we don't have enough collectibles. Actually, I really don't know what the complaints are about exactly. Are they too expensive? Are there too few? I don't even know at this point.

Probably too few. If not I don't even know.

But I think it's just fine.
Low supply high demand = high inflation.

Its just the economy.

of a forum based of virtual animals

that strung off into the hyper value of a 2in by 2in badge thing?


I honestly don't get the hype, however that is just me and apparently just my special snowflake behind.
I say that because, I have noticed that since I have came on recently I see everything from 'buying so-so collectible' more than before [when I first was on TBT it was mostly FLOP and biggkitty ] and even selling tbt for villagers [which is pretty rad]
but yea. I hope that people don't get their feelings hurt over these badges or w/e they are cuz in the end of it all, its just a novelty.
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The problem is people are getting their feelings hurt over this and it happens everywhere this kind of feature is available. Take Neopets for example.
I'm as confused as you. The only thing that bothers me is the exchange rate for tbt bells these days, but oh well that's life. Everyone wants money.

Restocks are like free cash to some people. Who wouldn't want it?

As per economic principles, the only way for us to influence the exchange rate would be to inject more forum bells into the market. But I'd rather not inflate TBT's currency just because AC's currency is inflated (blame dupers or successful players!).
As per economic principles, the only way for us to influence the exchange rate would be to inject more forum bells into the market. But I'd rather not inflate TBT's currency just because AC's currency is inflated (blame dupers or successful players!).
Seriously, I have no problem with discussing it and I welcome almost all of the posts in this thread. My only problem is with the few posts that accused staff of not caring about the forum. That is simply offensive and really... it's sad.

I hope that what I said was not taken as me saying the staff does not care about the forum. Again, I was trying to explain why I "felt" that some did not care about one aspect of the forum, the collectibles. So, i apologize if what I was trying to say did not come across clearly and what I said offended the staff.

And this is the last I will comment on this subject. :)
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Basically that there are too few I think...
It would also be cool if restocks were done at different times to give all time zones chances to snag some swanky new collectibles :D

They actually do tend to be at different times.

of a forum based of virtual animals

that strung off into the hyper value of a 2in by 2in badge thing?


I honestly don't get the hype, however that is just me and apparently just my special snowflake behind.
I say that because, I have noticed that since I have came on recently I see everything from 'buying so-so collectible' more than before [when I first was on TBT it was mostly FLOP and biggkitty ] and even selling tbt for villagers [which is pretty rad]
but yea. I hope that people don't get their feelings hurt over these badges or w/e they are cuz in the end of it all, its just a novelty.

Well, it's a silly economy but still one none the less
I am thankful for the collectibles and don't see anything wrong with the system or how things are done. I'd hate to see them go, but if they are as big of a problem as everyone says they are, and they can't prioritize things beyond how unfair it is that jimmy had 10 cakes and 400000000 TBT and billy has none and 200 TBT and not realise that, oop, that's maybe how real life is as well?, maybe they should go away then no one has a reason to *****.

They are not a service, they are an extra addon, a LUXURY, they are something that we don't HAVE to have.

Jeremy can turn them off as easily as he turned them on. And that would be a damn shame because they are really cool.

This is not a diary, this is not where I go to buy my bloody milk and cheese and cereal. This is where I go to waste time when I'm bored and be a part of a community. This community happens to have the LUXURY of an economy and a very steep one at that. This fake economy is basic, with one supply of a wage per post, and those wages can be used to buy goods. Those goods are not a bloody requirement for you to live or breathe, but a LUXURY to add to your profile.

With the logic posted here I should be allowed to go ***** at bill gates for being rich and demand a Ferrari because it's not fair.

For those of you how do not understand Luxury

Also, because I am done. HERE IS A HELPFUL LINK :D


Quoting Lina's post because she has the most valid point, in my opinion, in this thread: Collectables are a luxury.

Collectables are here to showcase your profile in a more unique way. Some collectables are better than others and cost more due to rarity. It's simply supply and demand. The rarity of collectables shouldn't affect your life here on the forums as it's nothing but an add-on to the site (and a cool one at that). Want better collectables? Earn the TBTB to buy them. Don't like the current exchange rate of in-game bells to TBTB? Provide a unique service on the site (sell art for example). Exchange rates fluctuate as they do in real life. Are you new to the site and don't have excess to really cool collectables? Work your way in and earn them. And don't blame the shop not being re-stocked. Some collectables are just rare. Buy them off of someone who is willing to sell your desired collectable. If you don't like/agree with any of my above points you can simply not associate yourself with collectables. No skin off of your back.

One last note: Respect the staff.
Well, it's a silly economy but still one none the less


After reading all 14 pages of this, I half jokingly can say I feel a little better about my insane obession for collecting pokemon events.

but I really just want the people who do take this seriously, to take a step back and realize what you're getting so worked up over and chill out for a second.

Also for the people that are mad about rates/selling of codes...
If people are dumb enough to buy it, people will be smart enough to sell it. Point blank.
Earn the TBTB to buy them. Don't like the current exchange rate of in-game bells to TBTB? Provide a unique service on the site (sell art for example).

but not everyone can draw so it really limits what service can be provided :'(

I'm fine with the current restock schedule... if the shop happens to restock more frequently, great and if it doesn't, oh wells. It's not something that will affect my day. Sure it's definitely harder now to obtain collectibles as a newbie but it's not impossible. Many of the previous collectibles were acquirable through events, ie: feather, lantern, scroll, easter eggs, etc. and I'm sure there will be plenty more events in the future that newbies can participate in to get new or old collectibles. However, i doubt the exchange rate for tbt bells/in game bells will ever decrease because of the d*ping and someone desperate enough will always offer to buy TBT at a higher rate than whatever it's selling for. I just can't imagine in the future people dropping 10mil in game bells for a measly 100tbt.

I still prefer this site over any other ACNL site because of the community here and not because of what collectibles they offer.
but not everyone can draw so it really limits what service can be provided :'(

I'm fine with the current restock schedule... if the shop happens to restock more frequently, great and if it doesn't, oh wells. It's not something that will affect my day. Sure it's definitely harder now to obtain collectibles as a newbie but it's not impossible. Many of the previous collectibles were acquirable through events, ie: feather, lantern, scroll, easter eggs, etc. and I'm sure there will be plenty more events in the future that newbies can participate in to get new or old collectibles. However, i doubt the exchange rate for tbt bells/in game bells will ever decrease because of the d*ping and someone desperate enough will always offer to buy TBT at a higher rate than whatever it's selling for. I just can't imagine in the future people dropping 10mil in game bells for a measly 100tbt.

I still prefer this site over any other ACNL site because of the community here and not because of what collectibles they offer.

This is true... Not everyone's an artist. Or digital ones either.

Also, why so many peaches? I can't even get one lol
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