Computer is better for tbt but I use my phone anyway because it’s more convenient. I get more and more used to it on mobile anyway so I’m pretty good at using the forums on mobile.
DUDE using this site on mobile is literally a nightmare and a half. They should really develop a mobile reading format for the site cuz it's just... no. I will not use it unless I'm desperate and have no other options.
Like many others, I usually use my computer, as it's kinda easier to do things on the sight and its more pleasing to the eye?
Sometimes I will use my phone if I am waiting for a response to something.
I voted mobile simply because that’s what I happen to use more. But I much prefer going on the forum on a computer. Sadly I’m not always able to use a computer. I’m in the process of building my PC so I’m using my fianc?’s when he is not home. Things are just easier on PC. I’ve already accidentally deleted a collectible once on mobile by accident due to a mis-click. -_-
DUDE using this site on mobile is literally a nightmare and a half. They should really develop a mobile reading format for the site cuz it's just... no. I will not use it unless I'm desperate and have no other options.
I use my computer or iPad. Sometimes I check if I have any messages or notifications while I’m on my phone but the screen is too small and hard to use so I wait until I get on the computer or tablet to reply.
I use mobile now but I used to use PC. When I got a job and was working 12 hour shifts I just completely stopped using my computer. I had no will power to even turn it on and eventually I got used to using my phone. It's a pain coming here on mobile though so I just drop by once in a while. I keep telling myself to buy a laptop but not looking to spend my saved money on one.
Mostly my computer, but sometimes I use my phone. It's a lot harder on the phone then it is my laptop, so I try to avoid my phone. Computer is much bigger screen and easier to type anyways.
computer, i only ever check on mobile if im expecting a message or something and don?t have access to my laptop. my big hands don?t work well with the tiny buttons here on mobile