concerned about time travel

I was trying to figure out how someone could duplicate with saves for a while now as saves are tied to the console and there is no way to abuse it as loading a previous save just brought you back to when you save last, thinking about it now, it’s probably that som3one could take another switch and dupe with another copy (or a friend that helps you do this) thinking about it this makes me think that their will be no manual save like we did in the past....but I could be wrong.

Well I'm sure you know this but the way we duped in past games was by resetting the game in the middle of some gate shenanigans. With proper timing, the items remain both in the town and in the visitor's pockets, as I recall.

If the game is constantly saving whenever you do or affect a thing, like the Souls games, then even if you reset you'll still have lost the items to the visitor.

You might be able to manually save, but simply not be able to load anything but the most recent save. If an autosave (to the cloud) occurred after a manual save, then that's what the game loads. And because they're in the cloud, they should theoretically be tamper-proof from save editors, at least for most people.

I have not heard of the game, but I might check it out or something to try and figure out how they might be detecting a system clock change.

Pokemon Sun/Moon on 3DS also does the same sort of thing. I would suspect it's just keeping track of when the system clock was last changed, or flagging a discrepancy between the game clock and system clock. There could be that internal timekeeper as you mentioned if any games need to use that sort of thing to generate pseudorandomness, but I think you can do that with logic gates too, though I don't really know the details of what the 3ds and switch have equipped.
Well I'm sure you know this but the way we duped in past games was by resetting the game in the middle of some gate shenanigans. With proper timing, the items remain both in the town and in the visitor's pockets, as I recall.

If the game is constantly saving whenever you do or affect a thing, like the Souls games, then even if you reset you'll still have lost the items to the visitor.

You might be able to manually save, but simply not be able to load anything but the most recent save. If an autosave (to the cloud) occurred after a manual save, then that's what the game loads. And because they're in the cloud, they should theoretically be tamper-proof from save editors, at least for most people.

Yeah, I only used that for duping starts and flowers, but it only worked if you had a model of the 3ds with the WiFi switch on the outside. Even then it was extremely hard to do.

The lack of info is making everyone crazy and conspiracy driven, trying to make sense of things XD
I honestly wish Nintendo would stop tying themselves into knots trying to restrict players freedoms... there are worse things in the world that people time travelling, so I really hope they don't mess things up with ridiculous penalties for it. I use it to make sure I can play every in-game day, after busy periods in my IRL life....