• In celebration of The Bell Tree's 20th birthday this week, we're hosting several activities and presentations about the community over this weekend. See the Twenty Years on The Bell Tree announcement for more details and good luck in the high-stakes raffles!

Confetti Collecting

Aw no Final Boss Bunny

Tbh I don’t really want any of the balloons I got lol
Fresh balloon and sweet balloon. 🥲 Oh, boy.

Now I'm curious... Since the event is over, does that mean we can't sell back our sweet balloons?
There's still confetti out there, so it's not over yet!
any/no message is fine!! do you have a date preference for the fb bunny? I have one from august 3rd @ 8:46pm and one from august 22nd @ 10:06pm! and would you like a message on it? :>
Idk you can just put whatever. Sending it over rn!

Edit: I didn’t see that first part. The date doesn’t matter.
I got a sweet heart balloon and a rad.
I like the sweet balloons, but the rad heart and rad regular kinda don't fit lineups I'm thinking of.

Might look into trading away the rads.

Overall, i love most of the gradients i got from this event! And i can buy the cool heart, so that's...cool. 😎