Confetti Collecting

My mystery balloons turned into

1 blue heart
1 rainbow bunny balloon
1 hot heart balloon
1 glam bunny balloon
2 cool heart balloons
1 purple balloon

I was gifted a fresh bunny balloon and a red heart balloon. Also date traded my hot heart balloon. Bought the rest with tickets. So happy with my balloons.
I got 2 final boss bunny balloons, 1 hot bunny balloon, 1 glam bunny balloon, 1 rad bunny balloon and then a hot regular balloon. I also got gifted a fresh bunny balloon by SJ so I think I did pretty good. All I was missing was a cool bunny balloon and the rainbow one.
What I received:
2 Final Boss Balloons
2 Glam Balloons
1 Fresh Balloon
1 Hot Balloon
1 Sweet Balloon (sold back)

Not sure how I feel about what I got. I like the Final Boss and Glam Balloons but I was hoping for Cool or Rainbow too. Oh, well. Hopefully if they come back I'll be able to get them next time.

Here's my balloon haul! Slightly miffed about triple rad (and glam heart as its a shop one), but overall not bad at all. My first one, the fresh heart, is still probably my favourite.
Are there any plans for the two lone Confettis many have?


last event like this, they just expired

it's basically just there as insurance, for people to be able to hit cap. since the way the system works, it'll give you nothing if it'd go over cap (so if you could only earn 2 more and x thing would give you 5, you'd get 0 instead)
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idk if Im doing something wrong but I keep trying to sell back my sweet bunny balloon so I can re roll and it wont sell back 😭 😭 everytime I press the button nothing happens like let me re roll pllllsssssss

edit: yeah I was doing something wrong: being STOPID ! I got it now
All my balloons were obtained through Pietro. In the end, I ended up with...
  • Cool Balloon
  • Sweet Balloon
  • Rainbow Balloon (Didn't realize I had it until two days after it was revealed LOL)
  • 2 Rad Balloons
  • Glam Balloon
I don't know how many other rainbow balloons were actually handed out in the fair that weren't heart and bunny shaped, but I believe I've only seen one other user reveal that they also got one. It's pretty cool how I now have a rare collectible in my possession.
Soo, I'm wondering when the unconverted balloons will become converted. I still have one that I bought on Monday and it hasn't turned into anything yet.

What's the deal?
My almost-final bunny balloon bounty:

3 Fresh Balloon (already traded 2 lol)
1 Cool Balloon
1 Rad Balloon
1 Final Boss Balloon < last is still a mystery!

I think I also did reroll about 2 or 3 Sweet Balloons?
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