Confetti Collecting

When for example Chrissy's goals for tickets are unlocked, are the tickets going to everyone or just those who bought a mystery bunny balloon?
When for example Chrissy's goals for tickets are unlocked, are the tickets going to everyone or just those who bought a mystery bunny balloon?

They go to everyone! 😁

For this event, the rewards will be available to everyone through limited-time redemption links posted in this thread — keep an eye out! It does not matter which villagers you contribute Confetti towards.
Has any redemption codes been posted ? I was wondering if I missed something since I haven’t seen any and I thought we got to at least one goal?
No yet! I really hope they get posted before the physical prize drop on Monday ‘cause I need 3 tickets from either this or Count Inside the Bottle, and i don’t trust myself not to fail the bottle spectacularly 🥺
Woooooo!!!! Doing GREAT guys!!!!
