Cookies: Crunchy or Chewy?

Crunchy cookies or chewy cookies? Which is better?

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Cookies to me are only good chewy when they are right out of the oven, but those store bought chewy cookies don't really sit right with me, so if I get store bought cookies I would rather just pick crunchy.
I prefer chewy cookies because I like eating them soft. But I wouldn't say no to any cookie though.
I'd like both honestly? Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside!
chewy is the way to go for me! if i find that a cookie is too crunchy and hard to eat, i’ll usually give it a dunk in some milk to soften it!
Not crunchy cause they just remind me of old school cookies from the tin. They were rock solid and meant to be had with tea
Definitely chewy cookies for me. But I prefer to get them out of the oven or a fast food restaurant.
Homemade cookies fresh out of the oven before they cool all the way down. That's the real answer 😋
Definitely depends on the cookie. Some cookies need both! When I make snicker doodles, its all about the perfect balance of a little crunchy on the edges, but soft and chewy in the middle!
Also when I want a chocolate chip cookie with ice cream on top, they're best if they're not quite done in the middle and fresh out of the oven!
I think overall, I like just a little bit of chew. But lacey cookies are best when they have some crunch for example!