Cookies: Crunchy or Chewy?

Crunchy cookies or chewy cookies? Which is better?

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i only ever eat chewy cookies i think! i tend to avoid the more crunchy ones... they do not give me the same joy
Chewy. I prefer moist cookies to dry ones and more often than not crunchy ones are dry I find.
I'm a big fan of chewy cookies. Especially when it's piping hot from the oven with melting chocolates cointained inside each cookie. Bonus points if the cookie is moist.
chewy all the way! honestly i prefer chewy for most food items.... even for fries i like them soggy over crispy idk
i love chewy cookies! i loved the chips ahoy chewy oatmeal cookies but i can't find them in stores anymore
A bit of both! Crunchy on the outside and a little chewy on the inside. Not too chewy though!
It also depends on the flavour of the cookie I'd say... Chewy cookies with chocolate are extra delicious.
Chewy are really tasty. Crunchy works well for certain things like dunking but chewy is my favourite