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Ron Ronaldo said:
Peekab00m said:
Ron Ronaldo said:
Peekab00m said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepI'm going to be Snow White because my hair's about the right length and I happen to have red lipstick 8]

I feel so unhip, all my friends are wearing sexy costumes and my dress goes down yo my shoes xD
It's a perfectly good dress ;_;

I can't really pull off the foxy look anyway
Ya sure?
I'll leave it to the ladies with dem sizzlin' bods

awww yeaaaahhh
LOL. Oh you ronnie.

Go on muffunbasket.! :3
Peekab00m said:
Ron Ronaldo said:
Peekab00m said:
Ron Ronaldo said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepI'm going to be Snow White because my hair's about the right length and I happen to have red lipstick 8]

I feel so unhip, all my friends are wearing sexy costumes and my dress goes down yo my shoes xD
It's a perfectly good dress ;_;

I can't really pull off the foxy look anyway
Ya sure?
I'll leave it to the ladies with dem sizzlin' bods

awww yeaaaahhh
LOL. Oh you ronnie.

Go on muffunbasket.! :3

whooo multitasking
This year I'll be Random Man.

Butterfly wings, Santa hat, giant glasses, and a flower wand. Any ideas?
I'm being Wednesday Addams, my friend is being Cousin It, and his parents are being Mortisha and Gomez. I'm excited.
Halloween: the one time of year all women can dress up as sluts without being judged.
Keelllsssiii, that's cute. ;]

I hate how women dress on Halloween. Do you not see the tiny kids in lady bug costumes?

Jas0n said:
Halloween: the one time of year all women can dress up as sluts without being judged.
this is VERY true.

you should see some of the outfits at my school....
[Nook said:
,Oct 28 2010, 07:17:10 PM]
Bacon Boy said:
Lisamilitz said:
Keelllsssiii, that's cute. ;]

I hate how women dress on Halloween. Do you not see the tiny kids in lady bug costumes?

or Tye
You're going to be Tye for Halloween?
The Ultimate Nintendo Fan Boy
Micah's gonna be Andrew.
Having "Historical Halloween" in AP World History lololololol

going to be this

Fehhhh, I was going to go as Lucifer!Taemin and cut my hair like him.
Then confuse little kids with gender traps 8D
But I couldn't. D:
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