Crossover Items: What's your wish?

Animal Crossing x (choose franchise)

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I would love a Pokémon crossover. I made a Pokémon themed town in acnl and I’m making another one for my second acnh island with different references to keep it fresh!
I voted Pokemon since I'm a longtime fan of that series. Maybe an Eevee plushie or something like that? Or even better, Pokemon themed villagers. (Trying to imagine what they would look like.) 🤔
In an ideal world, I would want the cross-over items from the previous games but like you said, given that we didn't even get all the Mario stuff, I'm not holding my breath. I'd loveeeeeeee if every single item from the Zelda stuff we got in New Leaf came back 🥺
Pikmin would be great! I remember the old pikmin clothes and furniture. It would be nice to see some cutesy pikmin furniture in NH.
I fully expect zelda, at minimum, likely this year. adding back in the zelda amiibo villagers and zelda themed items, to commemorate that franchise's 35th anniversary. like how they recently brought back/added the mario items, for its 35th
"Pokemon Crossing". A full Animal Crossing game, but with Pokemon as villagers. Not necessarily have to include 893 Pokemon though.

On a more realistic note, I would love Nintendo to utilize and expand the selection of amiibo villagers outside of just Zelda and Splatoon. I want a Kirby villager. Or a eagle villager inspired by Captain Falcon. Starfox. Metroid. Fire Emblem, etc.

I would also love to use a Mii head for my villager some time. Bring it back.
As others, Zelda and Pokemon are my top choices. I never used to think Pokemon would because they don't really do crossover stuff, but then Pocket Camp had a Pokemon thing for LGPE. I'd love this. I literally have a whole thread here for Pokemon clothing designs lol.
Also, @Rosch I've had that idea in my head for years, I actually started drawing Pokemon as if they were villagers. It's super cute!

I also have to mention... PIKMIN! my favorite and probably the most underrated Nintendo franchise! They're so cute and the flowers fit in so well with the island vibe. I don't care what they add for Pikmin stuff, I want it all.
this might not count as it’s not a game franchise but i’d literally do anything for an in-game build-a-bear collab! this likely won’t ever happen but i just think having some in-game villager/npc plushies would be wonderful to have along with their eventual irl counterparts. :’)

edit: this idea just came to me aha but i think a way that this could be implemented is maybe when the irl plushies are released, each one could come with a code that you enter into the eshop to unlock the plushies in-game that way? :’o and maybe to make it less of an exclusive thing, you could even unlock plushies by inviting the villager to harv’s island, similar to how you can earn their poster that way!
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