Name: El Chupacabra
Behaviors: carnivorous, bloodthirsty, nocturnal hunter. gets a kick out of being scary.
Size: stands about seven feet, four inches tall when upright, but also occasionally utilizes it’s ability to walk/run on all fours.
Habitat: outskirts of cities, thrives in arid & desolate environments but can become nomadic to hunt if necessary
Expedition Notes: note to self. do not think you’re safe if you decide to venture away from camp alone for a moment. you might just end up wandering straight into El Chupacabra’s hunting grounds. if you manage to survive an encounter with this creature, consider yourself lucky - by the looks of those skulls scattered about, many other souls weren't so fortunate. last sighting was over 25 years ago. no one else to witness this beast has survived to tell the tale since.