• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cryptid Creek (Melon Ballers and Poliwags Cabins)


greedy heart stealer
Project Staff
May 27, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Toy Hammer
Toy Hammer

Hey, it's not time for sleeping! The cryptid's active hours are after midnight and it's time to prove the existence of these entities! We're sneaking out, so grab your strange tech doodads, camera and bug net (for safety reasons)! It's time to encounter a wild cryptid!

Task 🦍

  1. Pick one of your current villagers on your island and turn them into a cryptid!
  2. Depict a scene of photographing a rare creature in Photopia.
  3. Write a short description of no more than 3-5 sentences long, including the name, behavior, size and habitat about your cryptid.
  4. Finally post a screenshot of your island map showcasing your current villagers!

An example template will be shown below!

How to Participate 🦍

Head on over to Harv's Island and create a scene of your player's character capturing a photo of an elusive cryptid in Photopia! Once you taken your rare photograph, fill out a case document describing your cryptid villager.

Submission Example:

Name: Blue Bigfoot
Behaviors: Silent but aggressive
Size: 9 ft tall
Habitat: Forest

Expedition Notes:
This large, blue cryptid is surprisingly quiet and easily blends into its surroundings. I was unaware how dangerously close I was to the creature when I heard distinct clapping noises behind me! It appeared it hadn't noticed my presence as it was just standing idlily with its backside facing me. I was absolutely terrified but couldn't help stifle a laugh. Unfortunately, that seemed to jostle the creature out of its calm state and I quickly ran for my life!
Screenshot: Name: Behaviors: Size: Habitat: Expedition Notes: Island Map (proof):

Rules 🦍

  • Your submitted entry must be your own photo. Do not claim other people's photos.
  • Your photo must be unedited. No in-game filters!
  • Only one player character and the chosen villager should be visible.
    • That means if you have multiple characters, choose one.
    • No Amiibos including NPCs! Use a current villager on your island.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your submission. Submissions that appear rushed and/or submitted jokingly will not be accepted.
  • You cannot edit your entry once submitted.
Event specific:
  • You may create your own cryptid or use an existing cryptid for your villager.
  • Expedition Notes should be no more than 3-5 sentences long.
  • You must submit your screenshot, the writing portion and your island map for your entry to be accepted.

How to Submit 🦍

Submit your entry by posting it in this thread by 6:59pm EDT on August 22nd 2021

Post these three things directly in this thread:
✅ your screenshot
✅ writing portion
✅ your island map

How to Vote 🦍

The cabin favorites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the Like or Love reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

While you can react to any entry, favorites will be decided only by votes from members of the same cabin.

Prizes 🦍

  • 15 Woodland Tokens and 15 Cabin Points
The Top 3 cabin favorites will earn an additional 8 Woodland Tokens. The Top 1 will also receive a Rainbow Jellyfish collectible.


Can we use any room in Photopia?
Yes, you can!

Can we use custom designs in our photo?
Yes. You can use designs made by others or yourself.

Can we scan in Amiibos/NPCs in for our photo?
Nope! Your photo must focus on one player character and your choice of villager cryptid.

Why are we posting a screenshot of our island map?
It's to show proof you are using a current villager living on your island.
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Name: Phoenix
Behaviors: Rising from the Ashes
Size: Seven feet tall
Habitat: Volcanoes

Behold the mythical phoenix. Deep within the mountains, amid the magma and the flames, the fabled firebird makes its nest. See how lovingly it tends its eggs, which are, of course, very large and very mystical looking. Naturally, it doesn't need to sit on the eggs to keep them warm, since they are nestled among the lava.
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Now this I can do, and luckily I’m in a RP on a other forum to help me pick a creature.
Cryptid Creek 1.jpg

Name: The Green-Eyed Monster
Behaviors: Perpetually hungry and drawn to food
Size: Over 6 feet tall
Habitat: The woodlands of this very island

Expedition Notes: There is no mistaking what I saw in the dark of night, as I was returning to check on The Poliwags' dinner—a great horned monster with huge glowing green eyes on stalks. The creature spoke in a voice far too low to be human, "So... hungry...," and so I made the tactical decision to retreat and abandon our meal to the beast, which I'm certain the rest of my cabin will understand. It's currently unclear if campers are a part of this creature's diet, but I have no intention of finding out for myself. I advise everyone on the island to exercise extreme caution come mealtime, as you never know what the smell of food might draw near...
Cryptid Creek 2.jpg
Hi there! Thanks for your submission however you are missing some key parts of your writing portion! Please include the following in your entry.

Feel free to edit your original post and then please ping me, so I can accept your entry. Thank you!
Hi there! Thanks for your submission however you are missing some key parts of your writing portion! Please include the following in your entry.

Feel free to edit your original post and then please ping me, so I can accept your entry. Thank you!
I didn't see that as part of the requirements, I thought it just needed to be 3-5 sentences long. I'll add those things now if they are required. Thank you.
Post automatically merged:

@Pyoopi I updated my post! :)
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Name: Greedy Ghoul
Behaviors: Lingers near its past riches forevermore
Size: 8 feet tall
Habitat: Treasure cave

Expedition Notes: Legend has it this overbearing brute was a pirate when he was alive, a ruler of all the seas. He stashed his riches in this cave for safe keeping, but when his crew betrayed him and threw him overboard, his bitter spirit drifted back to his earthly belongings - determined to ensure his betrayers would never lay hands on them. Despite his threatening looks, he leaves visitors such as myself alone under one condition - that they keep their distance from his treasure. I do not dare to risk finding out if the rumours of what he does to thieves are true!
Name: Fleece fairy
Behaviors: Mischievous, likes playing a lot especially pranking on visitors at times.
Size: normally 2 feet tall. Sometimes they can change size.
Habitat: Mountains when there’s mushrooms surrounding the area.
Expedition Notes: They were usually seen as a deity by villagers who lived near the mountain. Many written stories say that when Fleece fairies are offered four Leaf clover or a blue mushroom, the Fleece fairies will give the person who offered the eternal fleece that can bring warmth without any fire needed. Most of the Fleece fairies today are scarce due to the increase of technological advances and ease of information. Despite their immortality, they depend on beliefs for its existence.

Name: The Lost Amphibian Sailor
Behaviors: Fiercely protective of deep ocean loot. Searching for something... perhaps other crew members that have met their demise.
Size: As big as one large frog. Maybe shoulder-height? I swam away too quickly to know for sure...
Habitat: The bottom of the ocean, near coral reefs and sunken ships.
Expedition Notes: Stay clear of the ship sunken off the island shores! An amphibious cryptid has been spotted loitering nearby. As I swam up to the wreckage, I spotted the figure and its wide, peering eyes. As it lunged at me, I swam away as fast as my legs could go!

Name: Glitterwhispering Threehorn
Behaviors: Tries it's best to look friendly and harmless, luring an unlucky soul into its glitter trap by whispering sweet lies
Size: over 8 feet tall
Habitat: the darkest part of the woods

Expedition Notes:
I decided to check if the rumors about creepy threehorn creature were true by making a little camp in the darkest grove on the island I could find. I settled for a night near a campfire, and it wasn't too long until I heard some noises from the darkness - something big was walking around my tiny camp. I jumped on my feet only to see a tall creature with three horns on its head hiding behind some bushes just a few meters away from me! "Come closer, my child, I have some wonders to show you," - it whispered while sprinkling colorful glitter with its hands. Sudden gust of the wind blew away my only sources of light, so I had no other choice than to run away from this place, hoping that scary Glitterwhispering Threehorn won't follow me to show its "wonders", whatever that means!

I was so tempted to write a full on story about my character's encounter with this "creature", but alas, Expedition notes should be pretty short :<
Oof, I didn’t include my player character. Do I have to retake the picture? 😰

Firstly, my apologies for the terrible quality photo. Honestly, I have no clue how to transfer screenshots from the game to this site. Even if I had known, it probably wouldn’t help anyway because my only access to the internet is my phone.
Anyway is my entry.

Name: The Mac Attack
Behaviors: Very loyal to his vicious canine minions. His canine minions may look harmless, but they have a strong bark and an even stronger bite!
Size: Bigger than that palm tree in the background… and that is one big palm tree!
Habitat: He resides on the beach with his canine minions. If you come within even 100 feet of his doghouse, watch out. You’ll face the wrath of his fellow canines!
Expedition Notes: Stay AWAY from the rusty doghouse. It may look abandoned, but inside is a puppy. Cute, right? That’s what they want you to think… Don’t let Mac’s adorable face fool you. When you get in his personal space, he’ll attack. BEWARE of the Mac Attack!

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Judy the Scary Faerie.jpg

Name: Dark Faerie
Behaviors: Looks adorable, then lures you into the forest, which is where we last saw Tucker.
Size: 1.5ft
Habitat: Creepy Forests
Expedition Notes: Beware - this thing looks all cute and adorable with her big, sparkling eyes, but she's up to mischief. Edgy, tricky mischief. There's evidence to suggest that she's planning on taking over the island, including giving deliberately bad gifts to other villagers in an attempt to push them out, and leaving K.K. Dirge on any stereo she gets her fluffy little paws on. Her tone is soft and assuring, just another deceitful tactic of hers to calm you before she strikes. May also be a larcenist, Blathers has reported the mammoth skeleton has gone missing so - wait, why is Tucker's photo there? We all thought Tucker left without saying goodbye...

UPDATE: Tucker was found on a mystery island. He left because of what he saw in the forest, though, which just further proves what was seen.

Temwick Map.jpg
ice cream fiend .jpeg

Name: Ice Cream Fiend
Behaviours: Sometimes cuddly, frequently hangry, strong affinity for cold
Size: 4 ft tall
Habitat: Antarctic
Expedition Notes: This beast is harmless when fully fed but very dangerous when hungry and therefore should always be approached with caution. I ventured in with advanced camouflage techniques to observe it in its natural habitat. It would seem that the creature prefers the cold for infinite ice cream storage space and has a feeding interval of every 30 minutes. When ice cream is scarce this cryptid is also known to snack on frostbitten toes!

flo proof.jpeg
Thanks for your submission!
Yeah, your island representative or (another player character; if you have more than one) needs to be in the screenshot with your cryptid villager. Also no worries for the quality of your photos. When you retake the photo of your screenshot, make sure to get the whole in-game screenshot than cropping it. Please resubmit, so I can accept your entry.

Name: The Striped Harpy
Behaviors: Clever, Aggressive, Cunning
Size: 2.7 Meters (8.9 Feet) Tall
Habitat: A strange dimension best described as a striped savannah-jungle hybrid
Expedition Notes: I have finally found the nest of the Striped Harpy.. To my surprise, she has a single glowing egg, ready to hatch. I'm waiting for her to go out on her daily hunt so that I may get a closer look. A rather strange creature indeed, she has decorated her nest with striped paper, perhaps to further aid in camouflage? I myself am wearing stripes to blend in with my surroundings. Although I am fearful that the Striped Harpy could pick up my scent -- that would most certainly end in a fate worse than death...

Thanks for your submission!
Yeah, your island representative or (another player character; if you have more than one) needs to be in the screenshot with your cryptid villager. Also no worries for the quality of your photos. When you retake the photo of your screenshot, make sure to get the whole in-game screenshot than cropping it. Please resubmit, so I can accept your entry.
Hi! I changed the photo, and made sure it was uncropped this time! Hopefully there aren’t any issues with my entry now. 😅

Name: Pink Sandfish
Behaviors: Shy, but very interested in the tent
Size: 5.2 ft tall
Habitat: Desert
Expedition Notes: This octopus looking creature is very interesting. While it looks like a octopus,
it doesn't seem in need of any watersource, hence why I was really surprised to find such cryptid in the desert!
It seems to not be agressive, but very shy. I am not sure if it wants the food that is in my tent, but in any case,
it likes staring through the window.. I hope it's not waiting for me to enter the tent and start attacking me..

Name: Faceless mountain spirit
Behaviors: Elusive but defends its territory
Size: 160 cm... when floating ??
Habitat: Mountain
Expedition Notes:
I felt uneasy while exploring, like I heard someone or saw something at the corner of my eye so I decided to set up my camera and call if anyone was here with me. I didn't see anything until I turnt to look at what my camera was seeing. That's when I saw it, the mountain ghost spirit. As soon as I saw it, its face features... or lack of... grew bigger as to scream at me to leave. Don't worry, I did.