I would say I have 3a curls, but the Jessicurl website insists that I have tons of hair and that's just not true, lol. My hair is very very fine and loses its body and volume by the end of the day, and most of the curls lose their bounce as well. I start the day off (post-shower) with 3a and end closer to 2a, depending on the amount of product I use, how humid it is outside, and stuff like that. External factors are a b****.
The only real rules I adhere to for my own hair are as follows:
1: Don't rub dry with a towel post-shower. I just drape the towel over my head, squeeze water out of the ends, then wear the towel around my shoulders and walk around in my pajamas and let it dry naturally.
2: Don't brush. EVER. I have a wide-toothed comb that I use while my hair is still wet to get out whatever kinks and tangles might have formed, and I have a very very fine-toothed comb that I use only on the very top of my head to make sure product is evenly distributed, but I never take a brush to this mess. That would be horrendous.
3: In terms of conditioning, I coat my hair in coconut oil once or twice a month and just leave it like that all day. Literally all day. Then I wash it out at night
Coconut oil is magical.
For those interested, because my hair is so fine, I've started washing with Nioxin - but I haven't really noticed a difference yet. There was a tea tree oil shampoo I used to love but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called so I can't find it to buy it again, haha. I only wash every couple days and use dry shampoo (aka baby powder) in between because not only is my hair fine, but it's also very oily. I blame the greasy Italian side of my family for this. /shakes fist
I've read into all the different methods for caring for hair, including those forsaking shampoo and/or conditioner, and damn I just do not care. My hair looks nice (if a little wilted 8 hours later, lol) the way it is currently. There are whole forums and mailing lists dedicated to fighting about the evils of various products and I just can't be bothered to pay attention to any of it at all. All I'm concerned about is what works for my own hair. I have no interest in telling other people what will work for them because
I don't know.
Except "don't brush" which is pretty universal for curlies imo.