Currently Playing?

Race the Sun. Basically, control your aircraft and don't crash into the wall or object and finish the 'runs'. And collect powerups.

I picked it up that day when it was free, and I was surprised, in a positive way how fun it was actually. If you played the Spyro minigames where you should fly through rings, shoot enemies and defeat the boss, it's along the same gameplay, just that you can't really shoot enemies, you just have to avoid obstacles and collect points. Which is harder than it looks in later levels.
waiting for a fix for Super Chibi Knight, started Majoras Mask but stalled ages ago, Submerged, and Alpha Sapphire and ACNL of course.
I'm in the middle of Mother 1 (Earthbound Beginnings) and Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Mother 1 is neat, I've played through Earthbound before and it's fun to see the similarities in the two games.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is alright, I just can't get use to the controls.
I'm in the middle of Mother 1 (Earthbound Beginnings) and Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Mother 1 is neat, I've played through Earthbound before and it's fun to see the similarities in the two games.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is alright, I just can't get use to the controls.

Yeah they can be a bit tricky if you're not used to that kind of camera. You will get used to if you play enough though, I was a bit confused as well in the beginning, but give it a few go's and it shouldn't be too hard. I agree it's a bit advanced at time though.
Ultra Despair Girls - Danganronpa Another Episode (The name is so long!)

Nice, is it any good? I remember playing the first one and I was.. meh.

Anyways downloaded Warframe so gonna try it out when I have proper time for it. (yes it's mainly f2p lol)
I think it's pretty awesome. The gameplay is really, really different though. But I really loved the first two games.
Currently playing Gravity Rush on the PS Vita. I accidentally purchased a $20 Playstation Store card instead of a $20 Steam card, but couldn't trade it with anyone so I decided to buy it since it was one of the must play games on the Vita. It's really fun so far! Definitely a unique gameplay style as well as the way the story is presented in its comic like form.
Minecraft, Animal Crossing: Population Growing, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Drill Dozer, oh, and Mother 3.
Currently playing Gravity Rush on the PS Vita. I accidentally purchased a $20 Playstation Store card instead of a $20 Steam card, but couldn't trade it with anyone so I decided to buy it since it was one of the must play games on the Vita. It's really fun so far! Definitely a unique gameplay style as well as the way the story is presented in its comic like form.

I have that on my account cause I got it for free but haven't had the chance to play it yet

Bet it's way more pleasant than that Tearaway lol :/
Currently going through Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Persona 4: Golden, a bit of Dota 2 every day and Clash of Clans.

Currently playing Gravity Rush on the PS Vita. I accidentally purchased a $20 Playstation Store card instead of a $20 Steam card, but couldn't trade it with anyone so I decided to buy it since it was one of the must play games on the Vita. It's really fun so far! Definitely a unique gameplay style as well as the way the story is presented in its comic like form.

OMGG that game is sooo good I so want it ;-;
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Tried some Warframe, good that I can run it at least lol... Seems really cool but I have to remap a few buttons I think lol
Currently playing Gravity Rush on the PS Vita. I accidentally purchased a $20 Playstation Store card instead of a $20 Steam card, but couldn't trade it with anyone so I decided to buy it since it was one of the must play games on the Vita. It's really fun so far! Definitely a unique gameplay style as well as the way the story is presented in its comic like form.

I'm in the middle of a Final Fantasy 8 run with my girlfriend who's never played any of the games before.
She's narrating all the dialogue, so it's been super fun so far.

Aside from that I'm in the middle of MG: Peace Walker - I need to get up to date on the series in time for MGSV to come out.