Currently Playing?

I've been playing a bit more Animal Crossing New Leaf in the past few days. I adopted Cranston for my bird town and had to plot reset for his house to end up in a good spot, and had to do the same thing in another town to get Becky a spot that wasn't awful. I'm considering getting Fuchsia to finally suggest the scarecrow PWP so I can force her out and maybe acquire Whitney, hopefully in time for Halloween. Either that or send Hans to the other town.
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I'm mostly playing Animal Crossing, but when I need a break from that, I pop in my Golden Sun: Dark Dawn because I'm Golden Sun trash, and it's my go to because the familiar universe is comforting, and I love all the sass, and the animation, and the puzzles, and everything about it. I've loved it since I was a kid, so everything is good. X3
Kingdom Hearts Unchained (x).

I levelled to level 20 in the last 3 hours... orz
HHD and planning to restart my town for acnl, lazy though.
Aside from AC: Metal Gear Solid V, Cities: Skylines, Pok?mon Omega Ruby again...Rune Factory 4 every now and then and Etrian Mystery Dungeon which appears to have been totally swept under the rug in the UK for some reason...when it came out, my local GAME had one copy in stock - the one I pre-ordered. Not seen it anywhere else since release. Odd!
as always I'm playing acnl, but I recently picked up my pok?mon alpha sapphire again after not having played for about a months due to school and stuff. It's really fun, actually ^^
Chroma Squad!


Also Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, Legend of Legacy DEMO, and Assassin's Creed: Rogue.
Unfortunately I don't have much time to play these days!! I'm pretty much only playing ACNL, and not even that much. I might get a PS4 and start playing fallout 4... little big planet 3. I miss playing :) ... but I'm always busy with something wether it is going to class, doing homework, exercising, out with friends... etc... :/
Lately I haven't been playing many video games, but I'm certainly enjoying playing Plague Inc. on my iPad. A very neat game if I do say so myself, and strangely fun. Eradicating all life on Earth... yes, very pleasant.
Well, and of course there's ACNL! I've suddenly evoke obsessed with AC :)
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Finished P4G yesterday so picked up Criminal Girls: Invite Only again for my Vita. Yes it's bad they censored so much but hopefully they will leave it if they ever plan on bringing the 2nd game here...