I use them and I create them. Mostly the sign designs that are words are pretty easy to make and I have a lot of those around my town. If I have to draw out a character or something more complicated, I do use other creator designs not made by me. Same thing with paths, I’m not all that good at making them.
I said ‘I make some’ in the poll. But I am still learning, and so a more honest representation would be that I find 90% of the patterns I use on my island, and make the other 5%...
I love the custom design options. It really adds so much to making your island what you want
I don't use them, mostly because in the beginning I didn't know how. But I have gone to a number of islands sine the DA was put in and see people who abuse them and the look is a little chaotic sometimes. If I did start using them I would be very subtle about it. Just little accents here and there.
Not for paths. Maybe for one spot on my island, but it would kill me if I had to watch my character move on stone baths without making a sound. Definitely would use for clothes.
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Not for paths. Maybe for one spot on my island, but it would kill me if I had to watch my character move on stone baths without making a sound. Definitely would use for clothes.
I use them here and there, mostly for signs and stalls. But now that we have so many more design slots I've started downloading some for simple panels, cushions, and other indoor furniture. I get most of mine from other users by googling around for specific things (like street and path designs) but when it comes to signs for shops on my island or my town's sidewalks I like to design them myself to give it more of a personal feeling they're not as nice as ones you can download but I like that they're only found on my island and I can tweak the colors and details if I ever need to
I don't think I would be able to play the game without custom designs
There are so many amazing ones out there and people are so creative. I'm so glad we got more custom design slots, because there were still so many I wanted to scan in and use before the update.
I feel like they add a lot to my island, and are great for filling in spots you don't know what to do with.
I also use a version of 'the path' which is really pretty as well.
I don't make them myself because I'm no good at pixel art. I have only made some really basic rainbow themed clothing items, which I have up in my Ables currently and my villagers look really cute in them.
people who make custom designs are so talented! I typically stick with base game clothing because it's 3d, but the custom paths and clothing can be so so so creative.
I mostly download custom clothing designs - I'm not super into paths, but I'm always amazed by the beautiful and intricate clothing designs people can create! I've never made any myself, I'm not an artist at all and I think I'd get super frustrated working on a small screen haha
I use them a lot. It can make a town or room unique. You can make patterns that no one else has. I do however use other players creations quite a bit. I'm just not very good at making my own. Sometimes I have to, because if I get an idea and can't find it at ables or online, then I make my own. Some are definitely better than others. Some turn out so bad, that I don't use them. Lol.
I use custom designs all over my island, pathing, panels, decor stuff, ect... I've tried to make my own pathing but I find designing really hard in this game, esp with the smoothening that's caused me more annoyance than helpfulness. I have made a few of my own clothing designs, but again the smoothening really bothers me, so I don't make as many designs as I used to in NL.
No it is not frowned upon! Many people use already made designs as it's easier than designing themselves sometimes. Plus, unlike NL, there really aren't many tutorials on designing, so depending on the complexity of the design, you're pretty much goin in blind. This applies I'd say even more so for clothing. People put out their designs so others can use them, so those people would love to see their design being used.
Unrelated to the post but I like your profile pic.
I love custom designs! I am so thrilled that we got more design slots and new ways to display them because I adore them. In New Horizons I don't love the clothing custom designs as much, though. I had so many QR clothes in New Leaf but I feel like the designs look a little off in New Horizons? I'm not sure if they're too smooth or what, lol. But I prefer the New Horizons buyable clothes anyways.
In terms of general designs though I love them! I love decorating my paths, using them for my town flag, to have flowers/clovers/mushrooms on my ground, and I love the little cut-out standees the game recently introduced! I'm looking for designs that look like they've been drawn in the sand, as well. I think it adds a lot of charm to my island and makes area's that are otherwise a little dull/empty look prettier!
I've tried to design my own patterns but I'm not that great at it. I find it to be really tricky and I don't have a lot of artistic talent to work with, lol. I'm really glad I can use designs other people have created, though!
I loooove using custom designs. I feel like it can really help spice up your island in so many ways! I don’t create them bc I am not gifted like that lol. But when I’m feeling uninspired I’ll go browsing for a new custom design and it helps me come up with some ideas. Also there are so many crazy talented people out there, so many amazing designs to choose from.
My whole entire island is other people's designs just cause I don't have the skill set to make my own. People make some beautiful paths and idk how they do it, but I'm sure it makes them happy to see so many people want their design. Also I've almost filled up the extra 50 design slots from the update cause I have 2 versions of "the path" and we all know they take a lot of spots.
Yes, and I've actually created one myself. On my island, I set up a soccer field using some designs that I found QR codes for. I did that pretty early on into the game last year. Then later a user on here created a nice design with my island name. Then I made a small one for the airport entrance that says "welcome" and has a little sun and turtle I drew. That's about the extent that I've used the custom designs for.
I use them a fair bit and all of them are my own. I have used ones others have made in the past and that’s perfectly fine. They shared them for a reason afterall. I share most of mine for others to use as well.
I’ve just preferred to use my own when I can so I have the option to make adjustments to them overtime. I’m a bit of a perfectionist though haha.