Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Misa looked up, her eyed widening, accidentally dropping her toast on the floor. "W-what? What happened? Is someone hurt..?"

"I'm not finished my scran yet," Willow sighed, puching her tea and the half a scone she had left off to the side. "What's ganin' on?"
Leigh bluntly said. "It's Kaito, he is dead."
Miki screamed. "Eeek! D-D-Dead!"
Alex widened her eyes. "No way!" She got up and ran to his room.
James looked shocked and stood up. "No way! You are lying! It's a joke right?"
Leigh shook her head. "I rarely joke."
Miki was crying. "I can't b-b-believe it..."
"What? No, he can't be dead... When did he..." Misa said quietly, staring at the floor.

"How is someone dead already? He was just with us in the pool last night," Jonathan thought out loud.
"What? No, he can't be dead... When did he..." Misa said quietly, staring at the floor.

"How is someone dead already? He was just with us in the pool last night," Jonathan thought out loud.

Leigh led the way to the room and as they entered the body discovery announcement played across the intercom.
A body had been discovered! You all have 30 minutes to examine and investigate then the class trial will commence."
Misa covered her mouth as she followed leigh into the room, and saw blood everywhere. "Oh my god..." she whispered, already feeling queasy.

Willow knelt down, a little way away from the blood pool, so the body was closer to eye level. "He's brown bread, alright," she muttered, looking at the stab wounds.
(Just had to type up onto notes the gist of the whole murder so I remember what happens XD )
Alex stood tall trying to take charge. "Everyone lets split into groups-"
Miki peered around, saw the body and screamed. "EEEEEEK! S-s-so horrible!"
Leigh looked around, knelt down next to the body as she noticed something suspicious, moving it the the side ever so slightly, she noticed the body's finger had stained (pink for danganronpa) blood and on the wall beside his corpse the number '3' written in blood. "3? What does this number mean?"
"Perhaps the number of killers?"
James shook his head. "I'm not sure, but we should split up and investigate."
Alex scowled. "Hey that's what I said!"
Leigh nodded. "Yes. I suggest the boys check out the rest of the room and try and find anything that would be beneficial. The girls should examine the body further."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Danny, Benny and Eddie also find the body and look shocked, deciding to help look for clues. (Imagine they are just looking around in the background)
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"Good idea," Jonathan said. If they all worked serperately, they could cover the room faster.

"W-what?" Misa stared at Leigh like she was insane. The blue haired girl had already moved behind people so that she couldn't see the body any more. "I-I can't look at it, I'll be sick..." she muttered.
Alex was already getting up close and personal, looking at the sizes of the stab wounds, which she found rather suspicious but kept it to herself for now.
Miki picked up the knife to inspect it, trembling and trying not to get any blood on her. "I-It looks like a-a kitchen knife... To chop up food..."
Leigh tilted her head. "He was an ultimate chef, but I never saw him take a knife from the kitchen?"
James looked around the room. "There has obviously been a bit of a struggle." He noted.
Vick had picked something up and was giggling to himself. "Erm... I think I found a clue." He had picked up a clearly femine peice of underwear.
"Woah! Kaito wore girls underwear!" James shouted idiotically.
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"There are a lot of better explainations idiot, he probably didn't wear girls underwear," Jonathan replied. It could mean one of the girls was in here. Maybe the killer."

"H-has anyone else been into the kitchen?" Misa asked. "The knife probably came from there, and if it wasn't Kaito that took it..."
Leigh put a hand to her face in thought. "I'm not sure, we should probably discuss it in the trial."
(I think that's all the clues we need btw)
Alex was looking at the '3' "that's weird." She said to herself.
"That is very likely, but then again since you guys were all peeking on the girls yesterday I wouldn't be surprised he just stole it. I know Jonathan will have a bucket load in his room." He giggled.
"Shut up, hamster boy," Jonathan muttered, staring at the floor. "I didn't even want to be there, I just went along with the others..."

"Why would anyone kill Kaito..?" Misa wondered out loud. "Wasn't he quite a nice boy?"

(Oh btw I've been talking to Lani / cocoabean on kik and she said that she's stuggling with so many characters, so she let me take one of her characters to make it a little easier on her. So I'll be controlling Asuna from now on.)
(That's totally fine!)
Miki nodded. "We all seemed to get along yesterday .... Wahhhh! Why would someone do such a thing." Miki was crying again.
Leigh put her arm around the girl, somewhat in an awkward way as if she was not use to physical contact. "Don't worry, we will find out who did this." She said in a comforting voice.
*DING DONG* "TIME IS UP! Everyone, make your way to the class trial room in the basement. Take the lift on the end of the bedroom corridor to get there! I can't wait! Have fuuuun!"
"Maybe the killer didn't kill him on purpose, maybe it was an accident?" Asuna suggested, standing at the back of the group. It was obviously not an accident, too many stab wounds.

Willow headed towards the elevator to get to the trial room, Jonathan following. Misa quickly caught up, preferring that over staying near the body any longer.
Alex felt James put his arm around her shoulders as she walked towards the elevator. "I told you yesterday, I don't want to speak to you anymore." She whispered aggressively so no one else could hear.
James smirked. "Don't be silly." He said, but gained an aggressive look from the girl and quickly ran towards the front to get away.
Leigh was comforting the crying girl as they headed into the lift, everyone now inside. (Even if they haven't posted everyone is mandatory in a trial, so the rest will just be in the background I guess)
*The lift took them down into to big trial room, it was huge and the podiums were in a huge circle, the one Kaito was meant to stand at had a photo of him that had been crossed out with pink paint*
"Helllllo everyone!" Monokuma said excited. "I can't wait for this trial! Everyone get into their places as we can start!" Monokuma also briefly went over the rules again (but we all know them by this point so I'm not going to write them)
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The sound of the voice increased as Hana was swept into the lift but the other students. "Now it's your turn. Add another death to list. Death. Kill someone. Do it soon."

(Gtg in 5 mins - ik I just got here -_-)
The sound of the voice increased as Hana was swept into the lift but the other students. "Now it's your turn. Add another death to list. Death. Kill someone. Do it soon."

(Gtg in 5 mins - ik I just got here -_-)
(It's no problem don't worry!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Since everyone is taking breaks I'm getting a cup of tea then haha)
Misa, Willow, Jonathan and Asuna all took their places at their podiums.

"D-Do we even have enough information to eork out what happened..?" Misa asked quietly. "There's no obvious motive, we don't know when it happened or who would've had the chance..."

(Back sorry)