Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Vick smiled happily, then let his hamsters retreat once they had done their duty. "Well, now that is better, isn't it friend." (Vick probably out evils Monokuma XD )
Leigh tilted her head at Jonathan. "Excuse me, I believe that one of the rules of the pool is that you must wear trunks."
Miki screamed, looking up to see Jonathan. "EEEP! P-p-p-put some clothes on!"
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"It's not my fault!" Jonathan protested, trying to cover up as he ran back to the changing rooms. His face by now was bright red, maybe for the first time ever. Nothing had ever embarrassed him like this before.

Misa had been swimming around underwater, so when she surfaced she didn't quite understand why everykne was freaking out, and hadntt yet caught sight of Jonathan. "What's going on?"
Miki was shaking in shock. "Jonathan had his... Eeeeeep! It was hanging out! Ewwwww!" Miki cried.
Leigh didn't seem phased at all, so decided to go up and use the bathroom. On the way there she heard a strange noise coming from one of the closets. She put her ear up to listen to it, but still unsure what it was, she peeked through the key hole. Instantly regretting the decision she carried on to go to the bathroom.
Vick decided to get out the pool and talk to the boy. He went into the changing room, smiling at the boy. "What was the big reaction for? I wanted to swim with you friend."

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(I'm gunna sleep in a bit, I will post in the morning)
As hamster boy came in, Jonathan quickly grabbed his shirt from his locker and used it to cover up his junk. "What the hell? I told uou before, I wasn't going to swim commando. Can't you just leave me alone?" He demanded, though he was less menacing than he intended patially because he was still blushing.

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Miki was shaking in shock. "Jonathan had his... Eeeeeep! It was hanging out! Ewwwww!" Miki cried.
Leigh didn't seem phased at all, so decided to go up and use the bathroom. On the way there she heard a strange noise coming from one of the closets. She put her ear up to listen to it, but still unsure what it was, she peeked through the key hole. Instantly regretting the decision she carried on to go to the bathroom.
Vick decided to get out the pool and talk to the boy. He went into the changing room, smiling at the boy. "What was the big reaction for? I wanted to swim with you friend."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'm gunna sleep in a bit, I will post in the morning)

(Ah okay. I think im gonna go sleep too actually. Night~)
Vick smiled, putting his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. "Awww but I always get what I want friend."
He then went to a locker, where he his a spare pair of trunks and passed it to him. "A reward for going commando for me."

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(Okay shall we get everyone to bed now for the big event ;) )

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Leigh had got up and went back to get changed.
"I've had a good day everyone, but now I'm sleepy, so good night!"
Miki had returned from getting a cola and noticed people starting to leave. "Ohhh okay, g-good night!" She said, also off to get changed.

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Leigh was walking back to her room, then stopped next to the door next to hers, heard some suspicious noises, but ignored it and went to her own room to sleep.
Jonathan quickly put the spare trunks on to cover up. What's wrong with this guy? He wondered. It was getting late now, and he hadn't even had a chance to go in the pool.

Misa yawned. It seemed like it was getting quite late, and other people were leaving, so she climbed out of the pool.

Kaito cannonballed in one last time, splashing water all over Misa next to him, before climbing out. The blue haired girl giggled and kicked water back at him in retaliation, then ran off to get changed.
Miki had gotten changed, and said bye to everyone before going to her room to sleep. "B-Bye... Today was fun!"
(Gunna say Ben's characters where just doing there own thing around the building)
Vick was giggling, then put his hand in his big coat pocket and his smile faded. "Oh..." He shuffled his hand around then shrugged his shoulders and smiled again. "Good night Jonathan." He said then went off to bed after he had changed, Dark Devas now safe in his scarf.
Jonathan headed up to his room, wearing his shirt and the spare trunks, since his pants had been ruined by the hamsters.

Misa got changed, then walked p to her room. She sat on her bed for a while, doodling on the wall, as she wasn't tired enough to fall asleep yet.
Alex was the first person in the dining area, her head down on the table, bags under her eyes and with a face as though she had been scared for life. Drinking a coffee with a shaking hand. I can't believe I did that I'm such an idiot.
Leigh had woken up, stretching her arms and walked off to get breakfast still really sleepy as usual.
Miki had also woke up, super tired still she also went to get breakfast.
Vick was hunting around his room, but gave in, and went to the dining room.
Misa stretched, walking to the cafe. A few people were already there. She got some toast, and sat down near Alex. "...Are you okay?" She asked curiously. The red haired girl seemed to be shaking.

Willow was sat in the corner of the cafe, with tea and a scone like the day before. It seemed quieter this morning, though perhaps it was just earlier, and not everyone was up yet.
Alex noticed Misa. "Oh, hi, don't worry it's nothing, just something stupid." She then cheered up. "Well how are you?"
Leigh sat down at the table eating breakfast.
(Has Alex been a naughty girl? ;))
"Oh, okay," Misa said, relieved it wasn't anything too serious. "I'm good. Apart from the whole, you know, trapped inside a school with a psychopathic teddy bear."

Jonathan peeked into the cafe, hoping hamster boy wasn't there yet. He wasn't sure he could face him after what happened yesterday. In fact, he wasn't sure he could face any of them.
Vick was stabdjng right behind Jonathan, clasping his hand on his shoulder. "Hello friend."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh noticed more or less everyone from the group yesterday has arrived but... "Where is Kaito?" She asked the group.

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Deciding the only logical thing to do was to find the missing boy after he still had not arrived, Leigh went off to find him. She knocked on the door, then realised the door had been left slightly ajar. "Hello?" When he looked inside, she instantly noticed there had been a struggle, the bed had been torn slightly. She then noticed the bathroom door was opens... And there was a stain of blood...
(Oops sorry - did I miss much?6

(Well mine + Tia's characters were all hanging out at the pool and now, the next day, Leigh is about to discover a body!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Everyone went swimming and bonded, Jonathan accidentally showed his dingaling to everyone, and now it's the next day)

(Haha 'accidentally' more like attacked and had his trousers bitten off by Vicks hamsters for his personal amusement XD )
Jonathan went bright red as he turned slightly to face Vick. "E-excuse me, I have to go," he muttered, roughly jerking away. He figured he could use helping Leigh find Kaito as an excuse, since she hadn't returned with him yet.
Leigh had entered the bathroom, pausing before she fully opened the door, taking a deep breath. She opened it to see the body of the ultimate chef Kaito, propped up against the bathroom wall in a pool of his own blood. Covered in stab wounds and a knife on the floor next to him, Leigh fell backwards in panic, not screaming, but trembling. "What?" Leigh got to her feet and ran back to the others, altering Jonathan who she passed and arrived at the cafe. "Everyone! There has been an emergency! Follow me!"

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