Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh nodded. "We don't have much to go on, so we shouldn't focus on the motive straight away, why don't we focus on the cause of death first."
"Wasn't there a blood covered knife lying by him?" Jonathan asked. "Surely that would mean he was stabbed."

"You'd have to be barkin mad to leave the weapon lying around though," Willow pointed out.
Miki nodded. "That big knife has to be the murder weapon... So brutal..."
"No I don't think that happened at all..." Alex muttered.
Alex put a finger to her face to think. "Well... It's just a thought, but the stab wounds were actually quite small, well in width and height I mean. The kitchen knife was really big, there was no way it made such small markings."
"Huh? How would you know that?"
"Being the ultimate fighter, I've had and seen quite a few stab wounds before, I just think it's not possible it would cause that size of wounds."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Miki pointed out "What about the blood on the knife it definitely had blood on it!"
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"So Kaito used the kitchen knife to fight back? Wouldn't that mean someone here is injured?" Jonathan reasoned.
Leigh nodded. "Possibly, but no one here seems to look injured." (Just to save time it's pointless checking arms and stuff for injury because the killer doesn't have one in the obvious places (spoilers just don't think about it))
Miki started to think. "D-Did Kaito even get the knife from the kitchen? I never s-saw him get one?"
Leigh nodded. "And where did the second knife come from? The small one that is? Does anyone here even have a small knife?" (Cough cough hint hint Tia think back you should know this ;) )
"Would a pocket knife make that kind of wound?" Jonathan asked Alex, since she seemed to know the most about the stab wounds.
Alex nodded. "Yes, a pocket knife would fit that description perfectly!"

"Then hamster boy over there has one. He was stabbing it into my door on day one trying to get me to apologise." Jonathan glared at Vick from his podium. This just added onto the list of reasons why he hated the breeder.
Vick tilted his head and giggled. "Me? The killer? Don't be silly."
"V-Vick is the killer? eeeeeep!"
Leigh crossed her arms. "Do you have a pocket knife?"
Vick nodded. "I did." He said then turned out his pockets. "But I seemed to have lost it yesterday at the pool. It was in my coat pocket, but it was gone when I got back." He said with a sigh.
"Serves you right for being such an ass," Jonathan muttered.

"So it's probably someone who was at the pool, then, to have taken Vick's pocket knife?" Misa said.
Vick turned his head to Jonathan and death glared him down. "I'd be nice to me if you don't want to be the next victim for a trial."
"S-So who had the knife?"
Alex started to think. "Wait, let's think about this. So he was stabbed to death with Vick's pocket knife, so whoever took it must have been in the boys changing room... Yeah?"
"Which would leave... Jonathan, James and Kaito himself?" Misa frowned. "Were any of the other boys at the pool?"