Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Alex tried to hide her face. "S-Shut up..." She muttered off, then entered the changing room.
"Leave it to me!" James said, then brought them to a little door beside the changing rooms, it was the janitors closet, "I noticed it last night when I was checking out the pool and- Agh!"
"Hey hey hey... This is my peeking spot..." Monokuma whispered and was already in the room, it was a closet which connected to the girls room, so they could see through the slit openings.
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"What the hell..?" Jonathan muttered. The bear from the day before was now sat in the janitors closet. The bear is also a pervert? he wondered, although to be honest this didn't totally surprise him.

Misa followed Alex into the changing rooms, and was surprised by the huge selection of swimming costumes. Why are there so many? she wondered, trying to decide which one she wanted. Next to her, Willow had picked up a dark green bikini that, surprisingly, wasn't particularly revealing as far as bikinis go.
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Alex looked through everything, and found nothing really to her liking. "I'm not sure what to wear..."
Miki had already gotten changed, in a frilly one-piece pink swim suit she span happy with herself, forgetting they were in a school of death. "Yay! So cute!"
Leigh had changed instantly into the first thing she picked up, a very pale yellow bikini and nodded. "This seems satisfactory."
James started to shove the boys as non of them could barley see anything. "Prove out the way you stupid bear." He whispered angrily.
"Hey, I'm the boss here! Shut up!"
"Shut up bear, we will all get caught."
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"If you're the boss here, you can do this any time you want," Kaito whispered. "This could be our only chance!"

Misa got changed into a white one piece bathing suit with plae blue flowers on that she had found.

"Are you seriously actually bothered about this?" Jonathan whispered, standing further back. He hadn't even agreed to this, he'd just sort of followed because it beat having to be aorund hamster boy.
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Vick was sitting in the changing room, confused at to where the boys were. He got up and went to find them, only to see the storage door open and the boys inside. "Hello, I was waiting for you boys, what are you doing in there!" Vick shouted, a little angry he had been left.
Alex was half way done changing into a black bikini with a white dragon on the side. She heard a noise, and looked around suspiciously.
"Vick! Sssshhhhh! We are gunna-"
"Move your ass!" Monokuma shouted, pushing the boys, a little too rough, as everyone but Vick who had went back to the changing room to check in his hamsters, fell through.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Miki noticed the boys and screamed. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!"
Leigh tilted her head. "Huh? Boys aren't allowed in the girls changing room."
Alex, now fully changed, at the site of the blue haired idiot, made her face turn to pure rage. "What... The ...****!!!'
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"What the hell? Stop pushing!" Jonathan protested , panicking as the wall gave way and they fell through.

Misa spun around at the loud noise, to see several of the boys, including her brother, and Monokuma. "What the..?"

"Bloody hell, we've got a bunch of peeping toms here," Willow uttered, staring at the pile of boys. She didn't seem quite as bothered as the others. Definitely not as bothered as Alex looked.
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Monokuma thought fast, then stood on top of the boys. "I caught them peeking on you guys! I caught them for you! If you wish to call me your hero, I will happily allow that-"
"SHUT UP BEAR YOU WERE THE FIRST ONE IN THE ROOM-" Before James could even finish, Alex picked the boy up, slamming him against a locker and punched him in the gut. "OUCH THAT HURT!"
"They don't call me the ultimate fighter for nothing pervert!"
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Jonathan watched the red haired girl from the floor. I knew it. I knew she'd be the one to kill us if we got caught.

"Don't hurt him too much," Misa said as her brother was punched.

Kaito wriggled out from beneath Monokuma and inched slowly towards the door, still on the floor from when they fell through. Maybe he could leave without the girls noticing him.
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Miki noticed one of the boys try to leave. "H-Hey w-w-whyyyyyyyyyy?????" Miki cried.
Alex growled angrily.
"Anything but the face!"
Alex gave him another gut punch then let him go. "Just get changed, I want to go in the pool."
"Should we just go in the pool now, instead of waiting for them?" Misa suggested.

"Damn it," Kaito muttered, as one of the girls spotted him. His stealthy escape had been just as stealthy as their entrance - not at all.
Alex nodded. "Let's go." She headed to pool and when she got there, was amazed at how huge it was. "Wow!"
James ran to the changing room, changed into his blue trunks, ran into the pool room, then did an RKO (surprise body slam) on Alex, dive bombing both of them into the pool. "RKO!"
Alex gave a little cute eep in surprise, getting a face full of water.
Vick walked out to the pool, getting in and swimming around with a smile.
Misa headed out to the pool, and stood by the side for a while in awe of the size of it. She then cannonballed in, making quite a large splash.

Kaito headed into the boy's changing room, and got changed into the red trunks that were in his locker.

Jonathan walked into the changing room just as Kaito had left, taking his shirt off as he walked. He opened the locker labelled with is name, but for some reason there were no trunks in his locker like there had been in everyone elses. "What the hell?" he muttered.

Willow walked up to the side of the pool, and was about to jump in, when a pair of swimming trunks floating around in the middle of the pool caught her eye. Who's lost their budgy smugglers already?

(I think budgy smugglers is an australian tyhing not a british thing but oh well)
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(Willow's dialect keeps making giggle XD )
Ivan grabbed the swimming trunks, to make the eventual challenge of getting them back harder.
It had been only a matter of seconds since they got in the pool, but Alex and James seemed to be battling it out in the water.
Miki swam around happily.
Leigh sat by the edge of the pool, just her feet dipped in, smiling faintly as she slowly started to drift off as usual.
Jonathan walked out to the swimming pool, shirtless but still with his pants on. "Where the hell are my trunks?"

Misa was lazily floating around on the surface. Every time she floated past Alex and James, they were fighting. Why do they hate each other so much..?

Willow looked between shirtless Jonathan, and Vick who had snatched up the trunks, laughing.
Vick gave a giddy little giggle, waving the shorts around in the air. "They seem to have mysteriously flew into the pool, swimming trunks sometimes do that, since they were created by satan himself."
Alex and James seemed to be fighting underwater now.
Leigh watched the events unfolding and giggled. "People are so funny." She said to herself.
Jonathan's eyes widened as he saw hamster boy with them. I should've known... Why the hell can't that weirdo leave me alone?! "Give them back!" He shouted.
Vick giggled, chucking them across the room. "Go! My dark devas! Do your bidding!" As he shouted the chant like words, his hamsters scuttled in at an alarming pace, all four of them nibbling and eating the boys trunks.
"No, stop it!" Jonathan ran across to where the shorts landed, but by the time he got there the hamsters had chewed a big hole in them. He turned back to hamster boy. "What the hell?! You're such a... a..." he trailed off, unable to find a sufficient word.

"A smeghead?" Willow offered rather unhelpfully, as Jonathan didn't even know what that meant.
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Vick giggled. "Oh, but Jonathan, I told you to go commando remember," he then snapped his fingers and the dark devas darted towards the poor boys trousers. "I always get what I want friend."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alex and James emerged from the water, out of breath and exhausted from all the fighting.
"I'm getting a beer, I'm all tired out..." James headed off.
"Hey jerk! Wait for me!" Alex ran after him.
Leigh tilted her head. "What a strange relationship." She said to herself.
Miki looked at the pair, near Misa in the pool and sighed as if she was jealous. ".........He only likes her because she has massive-" she then cut herself off.
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"What the..?" Jonathan started to panic as the hamsters ran towards him. He tried to make a break for it back towards the locker room but the hamsters were somehow faster.

Willow raised an eyebrow as the hamsters started to chew off the poor boy's pants, and he struggled to stay covered up. "I thought we extablished no one needs to see your hampton..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Misa watched Alex and James from the pool. They really are like an old married couple. They fight, then go off and get beer together like its nothing...

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Vick is absolutely evil xD)