Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh nodded. "You definitely had it before you got in the pool, correct?"
"Yes I'm sure."
"So the person took it while he was swimming."
"If the killer took it while no one saw, then they must have done it while the others were out the room, since they would be mad to go near Ivan's coat."
"If I saw someone touch my coat I would have skinned them alive."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Which would leave... Jonathan, James and Kaito himself?" Misa frowned. "Were any of the other boys at the pool?"

"And Vick! He could just be lying about losing the knife!"
"I never lie, friend." He said with that creepy smile again.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh nodded. "Well, we all left the pool at the same time right? Or... Wait did someone leave earlier?"
Leigh nodded. "You definitely had it before you got in the pool, correct?"
"Yes I'm sure."
"So the person took it while he was swimming."
"If the killer took it while no one saw, then they must have done it while the others were out the room, since they would be mad to go near Ivan's coat."
"If I saw someone touch my coat I would have skinned them alive."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"And Vick! He could just be lying about losing the knife!"
"I never lie, friend." He said with that creepy smile again.

"Really? You seem as bent as a nine bob note to me..." Willow muttered.

Asuna sighed. She hadn't been swimming with everyone the day before, so she was honestly a little lost.

"Jonathan was in the changing room alone for a while, wasn't he? Because of the whole swimming trunks thing?" Misa asked. She didn't want to say anything about her brother, so instead she ended up focusing on Jonathan.
Miki started getting scared. "Jonathan is the killer now? I'm so confused..."
Vick noticed Leigh's comment. "Yes, I remember someone leaving earlier..."
Jonathan turned to Miki. "Woah, woah, hold on. Can you peoplr not assume I'm the killer just because I was alone in the changing rooms for a while? Hamster boy is terrifying enough, you really think I'd piss him off further by stealing his knife?"
Jonathan turned to Miki. "Woah, woah, hold on. Can you peoplr not assume I'm the killer just because I was alone in the changing rooms for a while? Hamster boy is terrifying enough, you really think I'd piss him off further by stealing his knife?"

Leigh nodded. "Yes, that seems logical."
Vick smiled. "Wise move."
Leigh was trying to think. "I remember now, didn't the married couple leave the pool mid-way through the day."
"We aren't an old married couple!" They shouted in unison.
"Aren't you going around in circles?" Asuna asked. She wasn't swimming the day before so she had no idea what was going on, but they didn't seem to be getting very far.
Alex sighed. "This is pointless. So no one was in the boys room alone-" she then stopped herself. "..."
Leigh tilted her head. "What is it."
"James... He went to change before we got beers... And that time in the kitchen, you remember when he crashed into the cutlery cos he was hungover... No, that can't be."
"Hmm? What are you suggesting?" He said, not laughing this time.
"You... You had both the knives!"
Misa's eyes widened. "What? No..." She muttered, as she realised what Alex's realisation implied. "James wouldn't kill someone... I know he wouldn't! "
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James refused to say anything.
Vick looked enraged. "You stole MY pocket knife! How dare your presence even go near the intense power of my belongings, I'm surprised you didn't explode going near them!"
Leigh tilted her head. "So it was James?"
"J-James... Say something!"
"......" He didn't say much, but a creepy smile soon grew on his face and he burst out laughing like a maniac.
"J-James..? What are you doing?" Misa asked, somewhat desperately. "Tell them. Tell them you didn't do it, tell them youre not a killer!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Why? What beef did you have with Kaito that made you wanna bump him off?" Willow asked.
James seemed to be smiling, gripping to podium as if he had gone insane. "Everyone was having fun, no one was going to kill anyone at that rate." He smirked. "That's why I stole the two knives and gave the game a little push."
Leigh folded her arms. "So you did steal the knives."
"Yes, most definitely."
"And you killed Kaito? You snuck into his room last night and killed him in the bathroom?"
"Well I said I gave this game a little push."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"James is the killer!"
"What do you mean you gave it a push?" Jonathan asked. "Did you actually kill Kaito? Or help someone else do it maybe?"
Vick looked confused at Jonathan. "But he had all the knives!"
James was laughing. "I know a certain someone in this room who knows if I myself killed him."
It took Alex a second, but when she realised, she went full on rage, angrily grabbing her podium. "YOU ****ING USED ME AS AN ALIBI!!!!!"
"Now I'm really lost.... Can someone explain?" Asuna asked, even more confused than before.

"Wait, you two weren't together last night, were you?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow.
"S-S-Shut up! Don't judge me! I was drunk!"
"I'm not sure if I could have sex and murder someone at the same time." James said with a smirk.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh seemed to put the dots together. "Ohhhhh that was all the noises I heard from James room before I went to bed..."
"Alex could just be lying to cover James back... They are always' together, maybe she was the accomplice!"
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"So James had both the knives, but was preoccupied getting 'busy' with Alex. So then James must've gotten someone else to kill Kaito. Right?" Jonathan asked.
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