Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Alex bowed apologetically. "I'm so so sorry about that." Alex got off the bed. "I'm starving, let's go get some food."
( oooo: )

(I can't do anything until either someone goes into the kitchen or Misa answers Danni's question .-. )
Eddie sat up once Alex got off the bed. "Good idea," he said, standing up properly.

Misa shrugged. "Jonathan is probably still hiding in his room, upset. I don't know about the others..."

(Sorry ;_; )
Leigh went to the kitchen, with a bright idea to cheer people up. She got her cocopops (again) and sat down. "Hi everyone." She said to lighten the mood from yesterday. (I miss Vick ;-; )
Alex sat down, her back was aching, and now she thought about it, she seemed to be getting bigger. "Ugh."
Leigh smiled. "I have an idea that might cheer us all up."
"Hmmm? What is it?" Alex asked, eating a sausage sandwich.
James sat down and was tucking not into a hard boiled egg.
"I was thinking, later on we get loads of sleeping bags, blankets and pillows and have a bit slumber party in the hall."
"Of course!" Usami popped up. "Hey guys! I hope you are all feeling better since yesterday. I have stocked the hall closet full of sleeping bags and everything you guys will need for a slumber party!"
(BTW the next day Monokuma might start off a motive (like the food thing last time for example))

"Oh, right... But would Jonathan want to do this after what happened yesterday...?"
(Okay maybe 2 days away ;) )
"I'm sure it will cheer him up, we can all show that we are here for him and support him." Leigh said. "But if he wants space I understood."
"This sounds fun," Misa said, thinking about what they could do. It had been a long time since she'd been to a slumber party. "Shoukd someone go see Jonathan and see if he's up to it and-" She stopoed abruptly, looking up at the doorway.

Jonathan was the last to make it to breakfast. He was still wearing Vick's scarf, and the dark circles beneah his eyes suggested he hadn't slept much, if at all, last night.
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(Nuuuuuuu Jonathan ya little darling nuuuuuu! Must protect the Angel ;-; )

Leigh noticed Jonathan, she didn't know how to phrase it. "Good morning Jonathan. We are planning a slumber party. Would you like to go?"
Jonathan mostly ignored them, though after he got some toast he sat down with them. After a while, he shrugged. He wasn't sure whether a slumber party was a good idea. But he couldn't just ignore them forever, could he?
"Come on! It'll be fun!" she said, smiling at Jonathan.

"...You don't have to if you don't want to..." he said to Jonathan.
Jonathan was silent for a while, thinking. "Fine..." he muttered eventually. Maybe a slumver party would help take his mind off of everything for a while.