Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh watched, she shut her eyes afterwards and wanted to go to bed.
James turned to Eddie once it was over. "That looked rough." He told him. (James and Eddie bromance?)
Alex snarled at Monokuma. "You little ****!" She lunged at the bear, but was held back by Leigh. "Let me at him! I'll rip his head off!"
"You can't do that! You will be executed on the spot for trying to harm him! It's in the rules!"
Jonathan couldn't even bear to watch the execution. He'd watched all of the others but for Vick, he ended up staring at the floor through the entire thing, watching tears drip off his face.

Eddie nodded. "I swear these are getting worse with every trial."
Alex shook free from Leigh, composed herself and stormed off to bed.
Leigh put her hand on Jonathans shoulder. "I'm really really sorry this is how it turned out. Let's just all go to bed for now."
Jonathan shook Leigh's hand off and walked iff quickly, without a word.

"We should probably leave him be for a while," Eddie told Leigh.

"We should still keep an eye on him though," Misa pointed out. "This is what drove Willow to try to kill him, after all, seeing the person she loved beig executed."
Leigh nodded. "Yeah, that seems logical." She then pulled on Eddies sleeve. "Can I sleep in your room tonight, just in case."
"Yeah good idea! I'll sleep with you guys too!" James shouted.
"I was joking but now that sounds like a plan!"
"What the hell, James?" Eddie asked. He sounded a little mad but at the same time he laughed. I swear James is literally insane...
Just why the hell did that creep have to do this?! he thought as he went off to his room.

Danni went off to her room as well.

(A load of posts appeared after I posted this, so I had to edit it.)
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Eddie followed them, a little confused as to what was going on.

Misa went off to bed, watching Jonathan slam his door as she walked down the hallway to her room.
(Time Skip!)

Alex woke up and got changed quickly, then did her morning exercise before heading to the cafe. Idiotically, she didn't notice a door was wide open and walked straight into it. She lay unconscious for a few seconds, before raising up, scissors in hands and eyes/tongue crazy. "Gooooooooooood Morning Syo is here!" She then quickly scouted the hallway. "I was owed a biiiig smooch from Senpai!" She was sniffing the air like a dog. "I can smell him! Senpai is close!" Syo was nimbly darting across the hall, until she was sniffing at a door. "This isn't Senpai's room..." She opened the door, shocked as she her Senpai with someone else!
James was snoring, laying on the bed next to Eddie!
Leigh was brushing her teeth in the bathroom, unaware of what was going on. Nothing at all had happened last night of interest. James told some (lame) jokes, they gossiped a little then went to bed. She brushed her hair and washed her face, before pulling out her DS to play some animal crossing.
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Calvin woke up, got changed and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast, like he always did every morning.

Danni woke up as well, and got changed. She then went down to the kitchen to have breakfast. She saw Calvin there. "Morning, Calvin." She then noticed that he was making himself some coco pops instead of toast. "Don't you always have toast every morning?"

"...Morning... I just wanted something different," he said as he went over to a table and sat down.
Eddie rolled over in his sleep, unconsciously cuddling the person next to him as he did, not knowing James was asleep next to him. (;))

Misa headed to breakfast, yawning. It seemed too early to be up, but she couldn't seem to get back to sleep. She hoped someone would be at the dining area already so she wouldn't be alone.
Danni sat down to have her breakfast, then saw Misa come in. "Morning, Misa."

Calvin quickly looked up when he heard Danni say Misa's name, and saw Misa. "H-hi..."
Syo was watching the scene unfold when she grabbed her head, rocking by the door. "Senpai has been tempted away from me by that... Big hairy buffoon!" Syo was going insane. "My Senpai! I must win him back! I MUST I MUST I MUST!" Syo took out her scissors. "LOVE ME SENPAI!" She ran into the room pouncing on the bed.
Eddie woke up to the sound of Syo shouting. The first thing he saw was James, sleeping just a few inches from his face. "Aahhh!" Eddie cried, quickly pushing him away and turning to face upwards, only to see Syo pounce on the bed. "AAAHHH!"
Leigh had left the bathroom to see Syo pounce onto Eddie.
"I'm not going to kill you! Just torture you a bit mwehehehehheh!" She lifted her scissors up to stab Eddie.
James woke up. "Syo what the hell are you doing?!"
"I hope your chest won't hurt to much after this!" She was about to stab when she felt an object hit off her head, at such a tremendous speed and power it knocked her instantly unconscious.
Leigh, having thrown her 3DS at Syo sighed, then took out her ps vita and approached the boys, playing a game. "Are you alright."
Alex awoke, on top of Eddie. "What the... AGH Eddie what are you doing!" Alex got up off the bed.
"I'm not doing anything!" Eddie protested. "I was about to be killed by your insane alternate personality!"

"Morning, " Misa said sleepily, getting herself some toast and a glass of OJ, and sitting down by Danni and calvin.