Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"It's time to vote who you think the killer is!"
Vick shook his head. "I couldn't let you die Jonathan." He said. "I couldn't let everyone here die because of what Willow did."
Calvin couldn't help but feel sorry for Vick. This is all Willow's fault... He reluctantly voted for Vick.

Danni voted for Vick. "Just why did this have to happen?" she muttered.
*All my characters vote for Vick.*
"This isn't fair! He did it to help Jonathan!" Alex said angrily. Turning to Monokuma, she snarled at him. "This isn't a fair trial! Stop this." She demanded.
"It is totally fair! The rule is, if YOU kill someone and get found guilty, YOU get executed. Vick killed her, that's just how it is!"
Misa and Eddie reluctantly voted for Vick.

"It's not fair!" Jonathan protested, refusing to vote. He couldn't vote for Vick knowing he'd be executed.
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"Jonathan just vote! It doesn't matter anyway since the majority have already voted Vick!" Monokuma laughed.
Vick crossed his arms. "It doesn't matter, I accept death."
Eventually, Jonathan voted for himself. He still couldn't bring himself to vote for Vick, even if it wouldn't make any difference anyway.
(Enjoy your presents btw ;))

(Thank you :p )

"The vote is in! And you voted correct! Vick was the killer!" Monokuma announced. "Say your last words to each other before the execution begins!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick approached Jonathan, he patted the boys head. "It's okay, I'm sure you can handle this just fine without me." He took off his scarf, wrapping it around Jonathan's neck and handing him the hamsters. "Look after my Dark Devas for me."
Jonathan looked down at the hamsters, then back up at Vick again. Unable to help himself, he hugged the boy, tears in his eyes. "...It's not fair..."
"Also, try and figure out what's going on here for me. Something isn't right, I know it must have something to do with these." He handed a note for the boy to read later. It was basically a summary of information he had found in the library. "...." For the first time ever Vick looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Jonathan I l-"
"OKAYYYYYY! Time to get this execution started!" Monokuma wouldn't let the boy finish. "Vick, the ultamate animal breeder! You have been found GUILTY!" Monokuma hit the big red button and the execution began.
Execution: Vick Braginski, the Ultimate animal breeder.

The Vick Braginski Stampede.

Vick had blown a kiss to his hamsters and Jonathan then a second later he found himself in a desert wasteland, approaching him a huge stampede of animals, Monokuma riding a rhino. A whole zoo of animals were approaching him. Vick gave a stern look, untightening his big coat he wears, revealing inside a huge stick, which he weilded in some sort of ritual way. The animals were charging closer straight for him. Deciding not to move out the way, he used the stick to draw a magic circle around him, drawing symblos in ancient language in the ground and rings. The animals were super close now, and Vick finished his circle, putting his hands together in a ritual and a huge purple light shone around him. He opened his eyes, to see if the spell had worked, when he was hit full force by all the animals.


Vick, about to die, opened his eyes, seeing all his deceased animals he had owned in the past and smiled, before losing conscious for the last time.

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Calvin looked away once again during the execution. He didn't want to see anyone die, especially in such a horrible way, but the fact that Vick got killed for protecting someone else made him feel worse. It seemed to be so unfair.
Danni looked over at Calvin during the execution. I can't blame him for not watching. Vick really shouldn't have died because someone tried to kill someone he cares about.