Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"We might as well get stuff ready now," Misa replied. "The sooner wr get everything set up, the more time we have to have fun."
"Yeah... you're right," he said as he got up and went to the hall to get some sleeping bags out.

"I'll help, too!" She followed Calvin out of the kitchen.
"Wait for me, I wanna help!" Misa shouted. She drank the rest of her orange juice in one go and ran off to help set everything up. The more people that helped, the sooner they'd be done, right?

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Nice avatar superstar ;))
(TY ;)

Yours is nice too!)

Calvin was looking through the closets for sleeping bags. "...How many do we need?" he asked.
"Well, everyone's probably going to join, so there's you, me, Misa, James, Alex, Jonathan, Eddie, and Leigh."
Calvin froze when he realised something. "...That's only eight people."
"Well, Monokuma and Usami might join, too, so there'd be ten."
"...But wasn't there thirteen or fourteen people at the beginning...?"
"I actually think there was fifteen. But then Vick found you, so-" She realised it, too. "..."
"...There's only half of us here now."
"...That many of us have died?" Misa asked quietly. It was completely ridiculous that any of them had died, nevermind half of the whole group. The fact that it was the group killing each other was even more ridiculous, not to mention that it was all down to an evil oversized stuffed toy. Misa scowled. "What is wrong with that bear?"
"I have no idea..." he said, scared after realising that only half of the group was alive now.

"Just why the hell is that bear making us kill each other?!" she said, angrily.
"There is probably something more to it than that. But we just haven't had enough to go on yet, with our lost memories and all." Leigh had said, then changed to subject, somewhat suspiciously. "So anyway I think we should get lots of snacks to eat and stuff. What do you guys want? I'll go get some."
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"Yeah... that's what I think, too..." he said as he got a few sleeping bags out.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Maybe some crisps and a few chocolate bars." she said.

Danni mentioning chocolate bars reminded Calvin of what had happened when Monokuma took away all the food, and he felt guilty. He looked away from the others. "..."

Danni noticed Calvin as he looked away, looking a little sad about something. "Are you okay, Calvin?"

He quickly looked back at the others. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." He didn't know if anyone apart from Vick knew for certain what had happened that day, but he still didn't want any of them to know.

(ninja'd yet again .-.)
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"I'll help with snacks," Eddie offered, joining the group.

While everyone else seemed occupied setting up everything for the slumber party, Jonathan got up and staryed to head towards the library. If he didn'thave anything to do he was going to end up driving himself insane thinking about Vick sooner or later, so he figured he could do some research to distract himself.
Calvin got the eighth sleeping bag out and put it in the pile of sleeping bags that was next to him. "...Does anyone know if Monocreep and Usami want to join...?" he asked.

"Well, I don't. Should somebody go and ask Monokuma and Usami if they want to join?"
"You actually want to invite Monokuma?" Misa asked. "Usami, maybe, but if there's a chance Monokuma won't join, why risk it?"
Misa did have a point. And he definitely didn't want him to join. "...But what if we don't ask him? A-and he finds out that everyone except him is doing this?"
Misa shrugged. "Just blame it on me so you guys don't get in trouble. It's not like he can do anything to make me hate him more than I already do now anyway."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'm going to the cinema (with Leah) in a bit so we'll be gone for a couple hours btw)
Usami popped up. "ohhhh! I wanna join the party please!"
"Does that stupid bear want to join us too?" Alex asked Usami.
"I saw Monokuma in his office earlier. He was very busy working on something. I'm not sure what, but he got angry when I tried to get to close. He hit me and blew me up again!"
Leigh was back with a bag full of sweets and snacks. "Oh Usami, it's okay, don't let that bear bully you."
"Thank you Leigh."
(Ohhhhh OK)

"Well, I guess he isn't coming, then," she said to Calvin.

Yes! he thought as he got the ninth sleeping bag out. "...Now how should these be arranged?" he asked, pointing at the pile of sleeping bags. "All in row, in a circle or...?"
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"Where ever we like I guess!" Leigh said excited. "I've never been to a slumber party before."
Alex chuckled. "Well when we are ready we should go set everything up."
"I'll go get the booze! Are you coming with me Eddie?" James commented.
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"Sure," Eddie replied. "You'll need a hand carrying it all, with the amount you drink."

Jonathan sat down in the library, looking at the stack of books left out on the table. Are these the ones Vick was reading before..? he wondered as Vick's hamsters crawled out of his pocket onto the table.
"Oh, OK..." he said, grabbing a blue sleeping bag from the pile. Now where should I put this...? he wondered.