Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Danni thought for a few moments. "...Actually, I don't know. Do any of you have any other ideas?"
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Alex had started to construct a fort. "I wish we had an ultimate fort constructor amoung us."
Leigh was helping pile the pillows when she noticed Alex pick one off from the top.
James had put up the sheets then felt a pillow smash against his face at an alarming intensity. "HEY!"
"PILLOW FIGHT!" Alex outcried.
"I see, so slumber parties involve pillow related violence?" Leigh asked tilting her head, before being playfully and lightly hit with a pillow by Usami.
"It seems like it!" Usami was giggling.
Calvin began to help with piling the pillows as well. Suddenly, he felt something soft hit him at the back of his head. He turned around and saw that Danni had hit him with a pillow. "Hey!" he said, grabbing one of the pillows and hitting her back.
"Yaay, pillow fight!" Misa cried, scooping up two pillows from the floor so she could have one in each hand. She snuck up behind Eddie, who was nearest to her, and hit him lightly with both pillows either side of his head, giggling.

Caught off guard, Eddie was hit, and he span around to see he culprit. Thinking quickly, he grabbed one of the pillows and pulled it free of her hand. He watched the moment of panic before she ran away, giggling.
Calvin tried to hit Danni several times with a pillow, but she kept on using the pillow she had to defend herself. "...I give up," he said with a sigh.

Danni put her pillow down. "Yes! I'm unstoppa- Oof!" Calvin had hit her with the pillow he had. He hadn't really given up. "Hey!"

Calvin laughed. "...Not so unstoppable now, are-" Before he could finish, Danni had picked her pillow up again and hit Calvin back.
Danni turned around when she felt somebody else hit her with a pillow. She was about to hit Misa back, when Calvin hit her again, harder this time. "Whoa!"
(I've been very busy im sorry. I am at my dads this weekend which means I will be free most of the day!)

Leigh was giggling. "So what shall we talk about?"
"I know! How about we talk about-"
"Misa and Calvin! The love birds!"
Misa scowled at her brother. "Next we're talking about you, Alex and Syo then," she insisted.

"Why're you trying to change the subject, Misa?" Eddie asked, smiling slyly.
"Hey! We are not a couple!" Alex angrily snarled.
"Pleeeeeease can we not talk about Syo!" James begged. "She creeps me out!"
Leigh giggled. "Well, Misa, what do you find most attractive in Calvin?"
“What do I find most attractive in Calvin?” Misa repeated. She was silent for a while, looking deep in thought. “...That's kinda like giving be a gold ball and asking which of the pits on it is my favourite...”

Eddie looked confused. “...What?”

(Sorrryyy Dx I think I said this to Leah at some point, but if I'm ever not on for a long time and one of my characters is needed to move on, someone else can use them so you're not both waiting forever for me)
Leigh looked confused. "Please expand on that expression."
"If you know what I mean-" James stared before being hit on the head by Alex. "Ouch!"