Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Alex was red from embarrassment and rage. "I swear, I'm gunna-"
Vick was giggling. "I don't want to sound rude, but regarding the accusation of you both being in on it and this being a lie, is there anyway you can... Prove it?"
Miki winced. "I don't want to know..."
"I know I do uphuhupu!" Monokuma laughed.
James crossed his arms triumphantly. "Yes I can! Alex was exactly sized E breasts, a birth mark of her left shoulder shaped in a star and as you already know, Leigh heard the noise."
Leigh nodded indead. "Yes I have never heard such noises before."
"EVERYONE SHUT UP! Let's get back on topic can we!" She blushed.
"You're a size E?" Willow asked, getting completely off topic. "Blimey..."

Misa stood at her podium in silence, completely zoned out as she stared off into space.

Jonathan sighed. "We're back to square one now, we still don't know who did it and the one person who had the murder weapon has a solid alibi too."
"EVERYONE SHUT UP PLEASE!" Alex, now determined to find out who had done it and why was trying her hardest. "Okay, let's just go over what we know. I doubt the stupid ****er over there is going to give us any more answers, so let's remember the crime scene and imagine we are Kaito."
Leigh nodded. "Okay, so Kaito would have been laying there in bed, and then what where did the knife even come from?"
Alex crossed her arms. "James had probably put it in there. He left the room for a while, he said to get some more beers, but he must have put the knife in Kaito's room."
"I thought it would be fun for when the real drama to go down Kaito could defend himself."
"I would imagine, since Kaito was such a nice guy... He would have let someone in willingly." Leigh pointed out. "The lock on the door was not broke, and the struggle in the room seemed to have happened around the bed area. The boys investigated that area, did you find anything suspicious?"
"I dont know if this counts, but wasn't there a number 3 written on the wall or something? What was that about?" Jonathan asked.

"And what about the lasses keks Vick found?" Willow added.
"Let's start with the underwear, since the 3 seems to be a mystery right now. Do you think maybe the killer... Perhaps seduced her way inside the bedroom?"

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"So the girly underwear, makes the killer a female? I could imagine maybe whoever James' accomplice was acted all cute and seductive..."
"That'd half our suspect list, if it's a girl. Though that's still not much use. Would any of the girls have a motive to kill Kaito? Or an opportunity to do it?" Jonathan asked. Though if the killer was working with James, Alex and Misa seemed like the most likely accomplices.
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"Well we can narrow it down further, we know it was not Alex since she has an alibi. Misa and James are related so it could be possible, but from the reaction Misa made, unless it was an act, she seemed to genuinely have no idea James was involved."
Miki was starting to think too. "So that leaves out of our group just Willow, Leigh and me..." (I just realised my final plot point is gunna be a bit weird if I don't do this so go with it for now)
Leigh chipped in. "You know, Willow snores really loud, I could hear her through the wall next to me all night."
"Banging from one room and snoring in another. Oh how awkward."
"So Willow has an alibi because she snores? That sounds a little weak." Miki folded her arms.
"There has to be another clue... Something that points to the killer..." Alex started to recall the crime scene and she widened her eyes. "Oh my god. The answer, it's been staring us in the face this whole time."
"Do I seriously snore that loud?" Willow muttered.

"Alex, what do you mean? Isn't the only thing we haven't thought about yet the 3? And I don't see how that would help," Jonathan said. Am I missing something here?
Alex shook her head. "We have been looking at it all wrong! It isn't a 3! It isn't even a number! It's a dying message. Kaito wrote it in his blood as he was dying, imagine how painful it would be, it had to of been important, but from where he was laying, he wouldn't have been very coordinated." She drew out the number three in the air as a demonstion with her finger. "It isn't a 3. Rotate it 270 degrees."
"It's a 'W'?" Asuna asked.

"That'd be 90 degrees, you doylem," Willow replied. "270 makes it an 'M'."

"If he was trying to tell us who killed him, M would make it either Misa, or Miki. And judging from the way Misa reacted earlier, she didn't seem to know anything about it. Which would make it Miki," Jonathan concluded.

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(;_; I was actually thinking the 3 would be a letter earlier but I stopped with that because I figured that was too far fetched xD)
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"Hmmm let me think, a clumsy, cutie, pretty girl ends up knocking on the boys door, acting afraid and innocent to get her way into Kaito's bedroom. Then seeing how there is underwear on the floor, tried to get busy with him. Then with the knife supplied by James, she stabbed him, but Kaito, who must have found the other knife James left tried to fight back, then died on the bathroom floor. You know seeing how you are the ultimate maid Miki, I would expect you to have at least tidied up the mess you made."
"M-M-ME!" Miki cried. "No way! I-I would never kill a-anyone!"
Miki was shaking, "Well... N-no but-"
"Wait a second, you left to get a coke quickly didn't you, just before everyone left. If that's when James went to get the beers, then that's when you would have got the knife."
"N-No! I didn't!" She was crying more. "Have you seem me? I couldn't kill anyone! Why would I even do it!"
"All the clues logically point to you." Leigh said, almost robotically.
"You had an opportunity to get a weapon from James, and no alibi. Even Kaito's last message points to you. Motive is the only hing we don't know yet. Everything does point to you, Miki. You might as well come clean," Jonathan said.
Miki tried her cry once again. "Please believe me!" She then snapped, full on sobbing and sniffiling. "James you promised me! You promised me!" She had her head buried in her hands. "Y-you said if I did what y-you said, I'd be able to leave!" She cried. "Why?! You promised me!"
Alex glared at James. "What did you say?"
James held his arms out and sighed. "Oh well this was fun. These games really do excite me, but I might as well bring it to a close." His smile faded. "Miki and I use to date a few years ago." He confessed.
"H-He broke up with me, and I was h-heartbroken but when I saw him here, I was so happy!" She smiled a little, clearly lost it now. "On the first night I confronted him, told him I was scared and he told me... He would protect me, and if I did what he said, he would take the blame, and everyone would die but me!" She cried. "I was so scared! I just wanted to get out of here! But James loved me!" She shouted. "He kissed me and told me he would die for me!"
"And the stupid girl believed me!" James laughed.
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"J-James, what is wrong with you?" Misa demanded. "You're supposed to be my older brother, a role model. You're supposed to be one of the good guys!"

Jonathan scowled. "James, you're such a heartless b*stard. You're the most despicable person I've ever met, and that's even after meeting hamster boy."
"B-B-But you told me-"
"You really are dense aren't you? Why do you think I gave Kaito a knife? I didnt care less which one of you died, I just provided the tools to start off this game. Why do you think I broke up with you all those years ago? It was because you were, and still are a scardy cat who just cried all the time. DO YOU KNOW HOW ANNOYING YOUR CRY IS!" James got angrily then smiled. "Non of you guys understand. Not yet anyway. But in time, you will realise." James was laughing again.
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"Now what?" Jonathan asked. He'd stopped listening to James by now; he was spewing out a load of despicable nonsense anyway. "We've found our killer, what happens now? Do we vote on who we think the killer is?"
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They won't appreciate what I'm doing now, but it is all for the sake of hope. James for a single second, seemed to have returned to his normal state then stretched out and smiled. "Tell 'em Monokuma."
"Yes, now everyone must vote, I wonder who everyone is gunna vote for!"
*All my characters, other than Miki, votes for the ultimate maid*

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(Word dropping hope because literally whenever Nagito the antagonist kinda sexy bae was on about his evil acts he would always word drop it XD also for plot)
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