Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Ahhh, d-don't say that!" Misa replied, eyes widened. She took his advice and headed back to her room, too tired to do much else now.
Eddie replied to Leigh and said, Aye that's me love and you're Leigh I remember from the first day, so tell me about yourself...

Leigh stopped to think, Eddie was bandaging her ankle and she winced. They started talking to eachother about little things until her ankle was all given a compress and bandaged. Eddie left the room and she blushed and went to sleep. (Ben had to go for new walking dead so I just rounded that off)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Time skip?)
Leigh stopped to think, Eddie was bandaging her ankle and she winced. They started talking to eachother about little things until her ankle was all given a compress and bandaged. Eddie left the room and she blushed and went to sleep. (Ben had to go for new walking dead so I just rounded that off)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Time skip?)

(Ah okay. And sure, let's time skip. Brb while I make a cuppa though)
(No problem)
Alex had woke up the next day, feeling a mix of angry, upset and confused. She walked to the cafe and sat down, not hungry at all.
(Back lol)

Misa woke up, stretching. It took a few moments to remember all of what happened the previous day. Starting to get upset again, she headed down to the cafe to get some orange juice, trying to ignore the awful feeling.
Alex saw Misa and waved at her. "Hey. How you feeling?"
Leigh was fast asleep still as usual.
Vick went to the cafe, picked up a coffee, waved at the others, then took it up to the library, wanting to read up on what was in there.
Misa sat down by Alex. "Hi Alex," she greeted her ad she sat down. "Honestly, I'm not too sure..." she muttered.

Willow walked down to the cafe for breakfast. She got her usual cup of tea, though for some reason there weren't any scones today. She scowled. What good was tea if there weren't any scones to go with it?
Leigh hobbled into the room, grabbing a bowl of cocopops and sitting down.
Alex nodded, not really sure what to say. "... I will be back." She got up and walked into the kitchen.
"Okay," Misa replied, wondering where she was going.

Willow sat down, grumpy over the lack of scones. She was joined a little later by Asuna, who didn't have anyone to sit with. "Hi," Asuna said as she placed her OJ on the table.
Leigh noticed the whole mood of the table was down, so she smiled. "Hey, why don't all us girls do something fun today, you know, to lift our spirits." She said with a cute smile.
Alex returned with a bowl of porrige, she was planning to give to James so he didn't starve. "Oh, yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
"Something fun? Like what?" Misa asked quietly, sipping her drink.

"Oh, oh, I know!" Asuna said excitedly. "Why don't we play truth or dare? That's fun!"

(Plus it's like roleplay tradition xD it always happenes at some point (
Leigh nodded. "Yes, that sounds like fun!" She smiled.
Alex nodded. "Sure." She put the bowl to the side, James could starve for the day for all she cared.
"Yay," Asuna replied. "Who goes first?"

Jonathan walked to the cafe, having got up late. The girls seemed to be sat talking about something, and he wasn't quite sure if he cared or not. He got some toast and sat down in the corner, wondering if he could eavesdrop on the conversation.
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Leigh tilted her head cutely. "Who goes first?" She noted Misa looked the most down, so smiled at her. "How about you Misa? Why don't you pick the first victim." She said, not really realising 'victim probably wasn't the best word for it.
"Me? O-okay, um... Alex, truth or dare..?" Misa asked.

Willow and Asuna moved their seats slightly so the group was in more of a circle.
"I dare you to... uh... " Misa stopped, unable to think of a dare since she'd been caught off guard with having to go first. Willow leaned over and whispered something in her ear. "Climb the TV antenna? What?" Misa asked, confused.

Asuna giggled. "Isn't that a reference to the simpsons?" She asked, and Willow grinned.

Misa frowned."O-Okay, I dare you to see how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth. There's bound to be some somewhere in the kitchen, right?"
Alex looked determined by the challenge, pumping her fist in the air. "Dude that's easy!" She went into the kitchen and found some.
"Sorry, I'm not very good at coming up with dares..." Misa muttered.

"You have to be able to say 'chubby bunny' after wach marshmallow," Asuna pointed out. "Otherwise the marshmallow doens't count."
Alex started straight away, putting one in. "Chubby bunny. This is easy!" She kept going, and going and going until she got up to at least 25 big marshmallows. "C....Chu..." She shook her head and spat it into the bin she put near her. "25!" She said proud.
Leigh tilted her head. "That is a big mouth."