Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"...C-closet demon? What?!" It was clear that the boy was confused. "I... I don't even know w-what one is!"

(It probably will be for the others XD)
Vick was talking to himself again. "Hmmm, the closet demon does not want to cooperate..." He said ignoring him. I will play along with the demon now. "So, human, though I seriously doubt it closet demon, what is your name!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Post the character sheet plz)
"Ummm... M-my name's... Calvin... And I-I already told you... I'm not a closet demon!" He was getting a little annoyed now.

(OK, so my internet went down. I got it to work again on my Wii U, but for some reason it's still not working on my phone, where I have the sheet all typed up. >_<)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Oh, wait, it's working on my phone now! Character sheet coming riiiiiiight up!)

Character Sheet

Name: Calvin
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 1st
Likes: Running, sports, being alone
Dislikes/flaws: Talking to people (especially strangers), having lots of attention drawn to him
Personality: He is usually incredibly shy, but he warms up to others once he gets to know them.
Ultimate: Ultimate Luck
Appearance: (I don't have a picture yet so here's a description) Short lilac hair, pale blue eyes, wears a light blue hoodie with jeans and white shoes. Usually has the hood up to try to hide his face.
Vick looked confused. "If you are a person, how did you end up in the closet? Did Monokuma put you there?" He then paused. "Do you even know who Monokuma is or where you are?"
"I want you to..." She looked at the boy sitting near by (Jonathan). "I dare you to convince Jonathan that Vick confessed his love for him to you and he wants to 'meet up' in his room later."
"Oh my god if Vick finds out you said that he is going to probably disembowel you."
Misa jumped. "Um... Dare."

(Sorry, I've barely had a moment to myself all day with the spawns of satan, though I'm home now.

Also, heyy SuperStar xD)

(Hiiiiiiiii! XD)

"I-I... I don't know. I just woke up in here... I-I don't know who locked me up in here or anything... Where are w-we...? And who's...?" Calvin was confused again when he heard Vick mention Monokuma. The name certainly didn't sound familiar to him.
Vick tilted his head and put a finger to his face in thought. "Ohhhh so you really don't know." He either was telling the truth about being a human or I'd say is just a really sneaky closet demon.Vick did his cute, but creepy in a way smile and bluntly said. "A teddy bear called Monokuma has trapped us all in the school and we are not allowed to leave until we kill someone and get away with it. Or if we let the killer get away with it we all die horribly!" He said in a gun sort of creepy way in his Russian voice.
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Misa stood up and walked over to Jonathan and sat down next to him, not wanting to be the one who couldn't do their dare. "C-can I talk to you?"

Jonathan looked up. "What do you want?"

"Vick wanted me to pass on a message. He likes you. More than likes you, he loves you," Misa started. She watched as the boy's expression turned to confusion. "He couldn't tell you in person, he's scared he'd freak you out and scare you off, but he wants to see you later tonight. Just you two, in his room."

Willow leaned forward slightly, listening in on the conversation and trying not to laugh.
Alex was trying her hardest not to laugh, biting her lip to stop one from creeping out. "This is hilarious." She whispered.
Leigh nodded giggling slightly. "Indeed."
"...Wh... What?!" He started to panic when he heard Vick tell him what was going on. The way he said it certainly didn't help. He can't be serious... This is all a nightmare, right...?
"What are you talking about? Have you seen him? He hates me!" Jonathan replied.

Misa sighed. "He's a bit of a weirdo, that's all, he doesn't really know how to express his affection properly. Why do you think he wanted to see you go commando at the pool?"

"That's ridiculous," Jonathan muttered, though it was evident from his voice that he was starting to doubt what he was saying.

"He wants to meet you in his room tonight. At least go, he'll be mad if you stand him up," Misa said, as she stood up. She walked back over to her original seat, leaving Jonathan confused.
Vick giggled. "Don't worry, we are all more or less friends here at the moment, no one is going to kill anyone don't worry! Well... Except for the mental one we locked up in the storage room downstairs..."
Alex was laughing as Misa came back. "That was amazing Misa!"
Leigh nodded. "Yes, very good."
"You think?" Misa asked, surprised that they thought she did well. "Alex, tru-" She stared, before a tgought hit her and she stopped. "Hey, d-did anyone take James something to eat..?"
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"You think?" Misa asked, surprised that they thought she did well. "Alex, tru-" She stared, before a tgought hit her and she stopped. "Hey, d-did anyone take James something to eat..?"

Alex blinked twice then got up in a hurry. "OH ****! I'll be back!" She picked up the now stone cold bowl of porridge and ran off to give it to James.
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"I guess that means no," she muttered, watching Alex run out. "Wait, I was going to ask her turth or dare... Should I wait for her to come back..?"
"M-mental one...?" He was still worried. "...Are you sure th-they're the only crazy person here... apart from that M-mono guy...?"