Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Wow... That's a lot of marshmallows," Asuna said in amazement. "That's cool!"

Misa frowned. "Is 'cool' really the right word for having a huge mouth..?"
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Willow thought back. "First would be Vedette. She was the cheese eating surrender monkey."

Misa stared at the British girl, confused. "She was the what..?"
"The cheese eating surrender monkey," Willow repeated. "The frog?" she added, as if that made it any clearer.
Willow nodded. She kept forgetting that people wouldn't understand half the stuff she said.

"Ohhh," Asuna said. "That's a simpsons reference too, isn't it? Groundskeeper Willie says it in the one where he teaches french."
Leigh titled her head really confused. "What is 'The Simpsons'?"
Alex looked at Leigh as if she has been living under a rock. "Okaaaaay next turn please."
Leigh was confused again. "Stalkers?"

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(Sorry I have to get an early night tonight so I'll post in the morning)
Vick was sitting in the library, he had found some suspicious newspapers, with strange head lines such as "The Biggest Most Awful Most Tragic event in human history!" He found it ver suspicious and read through it, but most of the information had been blacked out with a permanent marker and even the date was scratched out. "Hmmm what even is the date now?"

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Vick, determined to find more information on this even started to search the library. He noticed a magazine on the far table. 'Glamour' the magazine was called. The front page had picture of a pretty blonde girl on. 'Junko's catwalk dress steals the show.' Vick chucked it over his shoulder. "Pfft, I wonder if there are any animal magazine's." He then heard a bump come from a spare storage room next to him. "Huh?" He opened the door slowly and peered inside.
He tried banging against the door when he heard somebody outside the storage room. Will somebody ever let me out? he wondered. Suddenly, the door opened and the boy saw Vick standing there. He backed up towards the wall. "P-p-please don't hurt me..." he pleaded, fearing the possibility that Vick was the person who locked him up in the storage room. He had tears in his eyes and he looked as if he had been crying.

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Vick looked at the boy confused then put a hand on his chin in thought. "Hmmm, closet demons... I knew I would meet one someday." He muttered to himself then spoke up. "Closet Demon! I am Vick! You will tell me your name!"

(Oh what a suprise ;) )