Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh nodded. "I'm sure she will be back soon."
Alex opened the room to the storage room James was kept, more or less hurled it at James, porridge hitting him in the face nearly and splattering on the floor. "There's your porridge bye." She said quickly, not really wanting to look at him and ran back out the door locking it and back to the others.
"Alex no wait-" the door was slammed and he groaned. "So am I meant to eat this off the floor!!?"
Alex sat down. "I'm back."

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Vick nodded. "Don't worry, it will all be okay." He smiled. "Hopefully."
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"So, Alex, truth or dare..?" Misa asked once the girl had sat back down.

Asuna stood up just as Alex got back. "Hi again. I'm going to get a fresh drink, anyone want anything?" She asked, about to head into the kitchen.
(Oh btw I'm introducing this rule (not really a rule but whatever) if there has been no murders for 3-4 straight RP days, Monokuma all give out a motive (I.e no food until another murder or if no one is murdered in 48 hours a family member of each student will die) so people will start to hopefully resume the killing game)

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"Truth!" She said determined. "And I'll have a Coke." She said.
"I would like some milk please."
What, is she 8 years old?
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(Oh btw I'm introducing this rule (not really a rule but whatever) if there has been no murders for 3-4 straight RP days, Monokuma all give out a motive (I.e no food until another murder or if no one is murdered in 48 hours a family member of each student will die) so people will start to hopefully resume the killing game)

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"Truth!" She said determined. "And I'll have a Coke." She said.
"I want some milk please."
What, is she 8 years old?

(Wow okay xD)

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"Can I have some more orange juice please?" Misa asked quietly.

"I'll have a cuppa if you're offering," Willow added.

Asuna disappeared off into the kitchen to get everyone drinks.

Misa turned back to Alex. "What's the most embarrasing thing you've ever done in public?"
Alex blushed. "W-Well, I'm s-sure you don't want to k-k-know about that..."
Leigh tilter her head. "Hmm? What is it? Tell us please." She smiled cutely.
"W-Well I once... Woke up topless in an alley... D-Don't ask why!"
Willow raised an eyebrow. "Someone been kerb crawling in the ginnels?"

Misa stared at the british girl, baffled by the completely different speech. "Now even I'm lost..."
Benny had just finished his spaceship when Danni walked in. Danni looked in surprise, "W-W-W-W-What in the 7 levels of hell is that?" Benny replied to Danni first trembling then shouting with, "SP-S-S-SP-SP-SP-SPACESHIP"
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"Nevermind," Willow laughed. No one seemed to have gotten that one, and explaining in terms they'd all understand would be too much effort.

"Aaah!" Asuna shouted from the kitchen. A few moments later, there was the sound of the tap running, followed by her shouting, "Uh... Can someone come carry these drinks in for me?"
"Dare," Willow replied.

Asuna turned to the doorway to see alex getting up and coming over to the kitchen. She looked back to the large red splodge on her hand currently under the cold tap. "Hey Alex," she said sheepishly. "Sorry. I accidentally spilled Willow's tea..."
"Dare," Willow replied.

Asuna turned to the doorway to see alex getting up and coming over to the kitchen. She looked back to the large red splodge on her hand currently under the cold tap. "Hey Alex," she said sheepishly. "Sorry. I accidentally spilled Willow's tea..."
"Oh god." She went over to inspect her hand. "How do you want me to help?"
Leigh nodded. "I'll be back in a bit." She bowed and smiled to the others and hobbled over to Eddie.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Dare," Willow replied.

Asuna turned to the doorway to see alex getting up and coming over to the kitchen. She looked back to the large red splodge on her hand currently under the cold tap. "Hey Alex," she said sheepishly. "Sorry. I accidentally spilled Willow's tea..."

Quickly before she left she shouted Willow's dare. "Make Alex spill all the drinks!"
"A-are you sure...?" The only other person here he had met was Vick. He had no idea what the others were like. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to know, especially after Vick mentioned 'the mental one'.
Eddie helped Leigh out of the room and once he closed the door he picked up Leigh and said, "No need to walk pet ill carry you up stairs"
"Can you just carry everyone else's drinks in for me?" Asuna nodded to a metal tray she'd found, which was now carrying the drinks everyone wanted except for Willow's tea, which was already all over the floor.

Willow grinned. That was an easy one. She got up and walked to the kitchen door, hiding to the side just out of view from inside the kitchen and waited till Alex came out.
(UPDATE! So basically LCocoabean dropped out the RP, meaning to make the number of characters return to it's original Danganronpa number of 16, I have got rid of Matsuka Yuikteru (Ultimate Artist) and replaced it with SuperStar's character. Also changed Kaede (her other character) to ultimate hairdresser but won't spoiler for plot!)

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Alex nodded, picking up the tray of drinks and moving towards the others. "No problem!"
Leigh blushed a little. "Thanks." She said hugging onto him as he picked her up tightly.

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Usami had popped up from out of no where and was now sitting on the table. "Hey! Guuuuuuys! Are you having an all girls day without me?" She cried.
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"A-are you sure...?" The only other person here he had met was Vick. He had no idea what the others were like. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to know, especially after Vick mentioned 'the mental one'.

Vick nodded. "Everyone here seems to be quite friendly, other than storage room boy and Jonathan. Don't talk to him, he is weird..." He whispered the last part and giggled to himself. (Vick x Jonathan my god XD )

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(*looks at OP*


(*Screams too*)
Misa looked at the link thing that had just joined them. "You're... Usami? Right?"

As Alex came out of the kitchen with the tray, Willow toptoes up quietly behind. Her. About half way between the door and the table, she clapped her hands down on the red head's shoulders and shouted "Boo!" In an attempt to make Alex jump and drop everything.

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Vick nodded. "Everyone here seems to be quite friendly, other than storage room boy and Jonathan. Don't talk to him, he is weird..." He whispered the last part and giggled to himself. (Vick x Jonathan my god XD )

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(*Screams too*)

(*screams to feel included*)