Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Eddie said, "Thank you Leigh and I hope you don't mind me saying but you made me think of that song"
"...Ummm, o-okay... H-hi..." He was too nervous to say much else. I really don't want to know why he's tied up...
Leigh was now bright red, overcome with strange emotions she seemed to have never really felt before (foreshadow mwheheh). "R-Really?" She looked at him and smiled cutely. "Thank you!" She said extremely happily and, without even realising she was doing it, she kissed him on the cheek cutely.

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"...Ummm, o-okay... H-hi..." He was too nervous to say much else. I really don't want to know why he's tied up...

James tilted his head. "And where exactly did you come from? Who are you?"
"He is either Calvin or a closet demon."
"Ohhhhh are we closet buddies!" James said excitedly. "Did they lock you up too? You know, my chains are hurting, could you possibly take them off me Calvin, seeing how we are friends."
"Hehehe." Vick giggled then went into creepy evil deadpan face. "Don't even try it."
"S-Shut up!" She looked down at her clothes. "My top is ruined..." She mumbled off.
"That is quite alright, infact, without telling my big brother, who is totally NOT my big brother I opened up the theatre room on the top floor! In there is a dressing room and lots of cute costumes and clothes! I thought it might be cool for all of us to go there!" She said happily. "Even though you didn't even remember my name..."

Willow glanced down at the soaked top. "Just take it off and change. Or better yet, just take it off," She joked.

Misa looked excited. "Ooh, I love dressing up!"
"...Actually... I-I don't know who locked me up..." Hmm... he actually doesn't seem as crazy as this guy said he was.
Willow glanced down at the soaked top. "Just take it off and change. Or better yet, just take it off," She joked.

Misa looked excited. "Ooh, I love dressing up!"
(Omfg I love Willow XD )

Alex was bright red. "H-Hey! No taking my shirt off and no dressing up!"
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"Awwww," Willow and Misa said in unison.

"Awwwww Alex, why not. I bet you will look super cute dressed up in a maid outfit... Or a cat outfit... OR EVEN A BUNNY LIKE ME!"
"Maybe you don't have a choice."
Leigh, after the whole situation with Eddie, and her ankle feeling a little better, she returned. "Oh Alex, your top is all wet. Has no one told you?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(What happened here?)

(Basically me and Ben posted something but I suggested that what he put was too quick and unrealistic (confessing love) so I took it out as it was too fast)

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"...Actually... I-I don't know who locked me up..." Hmm... he actually doesn't seem as crazy as this guy said he was.

James tilted his head. "Did you plan and help kill someone? That seems to be a quick and easy way to get yourself locked in a storage room and having to eat cold porridge off the floor."
"It was most likely Monokuma."
"Huuhhhhh? Did someone mention my name?" Monokuma said, now standing beside them.
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"Don't be such a pudding, Alex..." Willow said.

"Yeah, come on. Dressing up is fun!" Misa added. "You'd make an adorable kitten!"
Leigh smiled. "Yes, sounds like a great idea."
Alex shook her head. "No way are you making me dress up like a girl! I'm going to stay right here!"
"I... I-I'm Calvin..." When will that guy stop calling me a closet demon?!

(Did you see my post with Monokuma at the top of this page)

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"I... I-I'm Calvin..." When will that guy stop calling me a closet demon?!

"My name is James, nice to meet you... Now could you go get me some alcohol please I'm dying without it!"
Leigh smiled. "Yes, sounds like a great idea."
Alex shook her head. "No way are you making me dress up like a girl! I'm going to stay right here!"

Misa and Willow glanced at each other, then tirned back to Alex and grinned, somewhat evil-ly. "I don't think you have much of a choice," Misa said.
Misa's expression suddenly became concerned. "Anyway, you can't wander around in wet clothes, you'll get ill. So uou have to come dress up to get out og those wet clothes."
(Did you see my post with Monokuma at the top of this page)
(Yes, but not until after I posted >_<)

"I-I don't know where it is..." Oh, so maybe he's tied up because he's a... whatever those people who are addicted to alcohol are. He then turned around when he heard an unfamiliar voice and saw Monokuma. Wh-what is that?! He looked quite worried again.
Alex, unsure what to say sighed. "Fine, but I'm only changing T-Shirt!"
"Oh come on don't be a baby!" Monomi said, pushing Alex with all her might out the door.
"Argh! Get this thing off me!"
Leigh smiled. "We should head up too."

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(Yes, but not until after I posted >_<)

"I-I don't know where it is..." Oh, so maybe he's tied up because he's a... whatever those people who are addicted to alcohol are. He then turned around when he heard an unfamiliar voice and saw Monokuma. Wh-what is that?! He looked quite worried again.
"Uphuhupu! Wait who are you?" Monokuma asked. "Give me a sec will ya?" He said confused then pulled a clipboard out from seemingly nowhere. "... Let's see you are a boy right? It's just this one time we had a girl but she- wait you don't need to know about that (REFERENCES TIA) ANYWAY! Let's see... Ohhhhhh you are Calvin!"