Misa smiled again, following the others. I'm surprised that worked, actually, she thought.
Calvin didn't say anything, but he made a slight nod in agreement. Even though he normally wouldn't hurt anyone, he strongly disliked that bear because of what he did to him and what he was trying to make the others do.
"O-okay..." He went off with Vick to the cafe.
Willow held up a pink frilly dress from a pile she'd been rummaging through, and grinned evily. If they could force Alex into clothing, why not go for the girliest clothes possible.
All of the girls had disappeared upstairs somewhere, so Jonathan considered going back to his room to do some gymnastics. It'd been a while since he'd practiced, and it'd be harder the longer he left it. He decided he'd leave after he'd finished the cup of coffee he had.
Vick walked giddy to the cafe then saw Jonathan sitting there. "My mortal enemy..." He muttered to himself. "I will leave you with him now! Bye bye!" He said, thrusting Calvin towards the boy at the table and walking fastly away.
- - - Post Merge - - -
(Tia why u ninja me ;-; oh wait misread he is still there thank god )