Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Vick smiled sitting the boy down on a chair in front of his hamsters. "Well you do now! I tell you what friend, if you manage to get them to fall asleep, I will owe you a favour. Okay?" He smiled cutely. "Don't touch them though, they bite. Hard."
"I don't sing," Jonathan repeated. He was deermined not even to let crazy hamster boy make him sing a lullaby. "I sound like someone strangled a cat..."
Jonathan winced, trying to pull the boy's hands off his shoulders. "What if yoyr hamsters find mt singing so bad and they kill themselves?" He asked jn a last ditch attempt to get out of it.
Calvin had said goodnight to Jonathan and he went off to his room. When he got there, he went in, got changed into his pajamas, got into bed and went to sleep.
Jonathan sighed and started singing the first lullaby that popped into his head under pressure to sing; Hush Little Baby.
"Hush little baby, don't say a word,
Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird," he started to sing, glancing at Vick to see his expression.
Vick was smiling, and as the song went on started to look a little sleepy and tired. Luckily the hamsters didn't die or explode and started to fall asleep. By the end they had fallen fast asleep, even Vick who had cuddled up in the sheets on the edge of his bed cutely.
"...And if that horse and cart falls down,
you'll still be the cutest little baby in town," Jonathan finished. He looked up at Vick, and was surprised to see he wasn't looking angry that Jonathan's singing was bad. In fact, it looked like crazy hamster boy was actually asleep along with the hamsters. Aww, he looks so cute when he's asleep, Jonathan thought, then stopped abruptly. Where the **** did that come from?!
(Tuck the cutie into bed XD )
Vick was now fast asleep and was probably dreaming about either his dark devas of destruction or torturing Jonathan, one or the other, possibly both.
Since Vick was asleep, Jonathan got up to leave. As he was about to open the door, he glances back at the sleeping Vick at the corner of the bed. ...I'm probably going to regret this... But I can't just leave him like that, can I? He thought, walking back over to the sleeping boy. He moved him properly onto the bed, taking utmost care not to wake him, and then pulled the blanket up to tuck him in. ...Why am I doing this?
Vick, fast asleep, stretched his arms unconsciously, grabbing Jonathan and brought him close to hug him like a teddy bear with a death grip, hugging him as if he was a plush toy and noming on the boys ear playfully.
"Ahh!" Jonathan cried, though he stifled it as quickly as possible to avoid waking the boy. He tried to gently pry Vick's hands off him, silently yawning. He was tired too, and if he wasn't careful he'd end up falling asleep still in Vick's room. Or, the way things were going now, in Vick's arms.
Leigh had woke up, sleepily walked to the kitchen and got her daily bowl of coco pops. She was early, no one seemed to have arrived yet.
Vick, still death gripping Jonathan, woke up and yawned, then rubbed the boys hair tiredly. "Who's a good doggie-" he stopped himself. "Wait you're not a dog." He then full force kicked Jonathan out the bed and onto the floor. He stood up sharply and stretched. "I slept like a log last night!" He giggled. "Metaphorically speaking."
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Jonathan woke up as he was sent flying across the room, kicked off the bed by Vick. He groaned, lying across the floor as he tried to work out what was going on.

Misa walked down to he cafe for breakfast, in quite a good mood today after dressing Alex up in the theatre the day before.
Vick had gotten changed quickly then shot Jonathan a look. "Tell anybody about this and my dark devas will make you regret it." He said in his evil voice and glare, then smiled cutely. "I'm off to get some breakfast." He said and started walking to the dining room.
Leigh smiled at Misa. "Good morning." She then saw Vick walk in and smiled again and said in more or less the same way "Good morning."
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