Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Hi Leigh, Vick," Misa smiled, getting some toast and orange juice and sitting down. "Hey, Vick, last night I walked past your room on the way to the bathroom, and thought I heard Jonathan. Was he singing?"

It took Jonathan a few more minutes to collect himself before he got up and left the room, bumping into Willow who was on her way to breakfast.

Willow turned to Jonathan and raised an eyebrow. She was pretty sure this wasn't his room. "..Hey, Jonathan."
Vick shook his head and sat down and started eating an apple and a banana. "Oh? No. That was just my dark devas. Sometimes they sing before they go to bed." He lied, but his expression didn't show a hint of it, with that creepy smile.
"Can hamsters sing?"
"When they are from the firey pits of hell they can."
"Really? That's cool," Misa replied, being too gullible to realise that was nonsense. "That's a shame though, that it wasn't Jonathan I heard," she added, glacing up at the doorway to make sure Jonathan wasn't here yet. She's already convinced Jonathan that Vick liked him, because of that dare, why not stir the pot a little more? "I thought maybe he'd finally had the courage to tell you he had feelings for you."

Willow grabbed Jonathans arm as he tried to walk off to the cafe, intentionally stoping him from leaving. "Who's room is this?" Shw askes.

(I'm starting to think having a nrother like James isn't exactly the nest influence on a toung girl lile Misa ;))
Vick, nearly choked on the banana he was eating (OMG that sounds bad did not expect) and looked shocked. "Excuse me?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh was watching the situation. She looked very confused.
Misa looked sheepish for a second, as if she'd just let slip a secret, then continued to say, "Jonathan liks you. He's just afraid of what you'll say if he tells you the truth, so he asked for advice on what to do yestersay." Misa kept a straight face throughout the entire thing, as if she was being serious.

Jonathan scowled. "It's none of your business," he told Willow. "Let go of me so I can go and get breakfast."
Leigh was about to say something then stopped herself.
"Oh... Really? He is a weird one isn't he." He smiled then finished off his food.
What a weird reaction, Misa thought, taking a hote of her toast. One minute he's choking on banana and the next he's perfectly calm...

Jonathan pushed past Willow and went to the cafe, getting a bacon sandwich, trying as hard as possible not to look at Vick as he sat down.

By the time Willow got to the cafe, it seemed quite a few people were already there. "Hey," she said, getting a cup of tea. To her delight, the scones were back.
Vick sat eating his food, acting not phased by the fact Jonathan entered the room.
"Erm... Guys, we are missing Alex..." She stood up. "Don't worry I'll go check up on her." She walked out the cafe. "I hope she isn't angry over the whole dress up thing yesterday..." She knocked on Alex's bedroom door. "Hello?" There was no response.

- - - Post Merge - - -

What a weird reaction, Misa thought, taking a hote of her toast. One minute he's choking on banana and the next he's perfectly calm...

Jonathan pushed past Willow and went to the cafe, getting a bacon sandwich, trying as hard as possible not to look at Vick as he sat down.

By the time Willow got to the cafe, it seemed quite a few people were already there. "Hey," she said, getting a cup of tea. To her delight, the scones were back.
(#TheSconesArePoisoned XD )
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Oh, and yaaay a tag that has nothing to do with Vick XD)

Calvin woke up, got changed and went down to cafe to have breakfast.
Misa finished her breakfast as Wilow sat down with her tea and poisoned scone. "Oh, I should take James something to eat too," Misa realised. She got a bacon sandwich, better food than the porridge Alex took the day before, and headed off to where James was.

Asuna joined the group at the table, not wanting to be left out, as she drank her coke.
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Vick noticed the boy from yesterday and Asuna. "Closet demon- I mean Calvin! How are you? Feel any better since the whole shock of we are all killing each other thing yesterday?"
Leigh walked around to found her, then bumped into Misa on her way to feed James. "Oh, I'll help you with that." Leigh smiled walking with her. When they arrived at the storage room door, it seemed to be already ever so slightly open. "Huh?"
After Calvin had made himself some toast, he sat down near the group. "...Hi, everyone..." he said after taking a bite from his toast.
Misa walked to the storage room with Leigh, and sighed, noticing the door hanging slightly open. "I don't think I even want to know why this is open..." She muttered, though she opened the door fully anyway.
"..." He was still very worried about that. He didn't even think he would make it through the night.
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When the door was opened Leigh tilted her head. "We have a serious problem here." James had completely vanished, instead chained on the floor was Alex, dress on the other side of the room in her underwear and mouth duck taped up. Leigh pulled the tape off and Alex groaned angrily.
"Don't ask! It's a long story!"
"James is gone... This is bad."
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Asuna looked at Jonathan, who was sat as far away from everyone else as possible. "Why're you so grumpy today?" She asked.

Misa sighed. "Why is he such an ass?" She muttered. "Leigh, if you unchain Alex, I'll go tell the others what's going on. We need to find him as quickly as possible..." Without waiting for a response, Misa ran off, heading back to the cafe.
Leigh unchained Alex. "Can you try and explain what happened? It might help us find him."
Alex got up. "...I would if I could... But I can't, I blacked out! I don't remember why, I wasn't attacked or anything." The way Alex said it sounded like a lie, but Leigh just nodded for now.
"I'll get you some clothes, then I'll be back!"
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Jonathan idnored Asuna completely and took a sip of his coffee.

Misa ran back to the cafe, where most people were, and then had to stop for a minute to catch her breath. "James... James got out of the storage room..."