Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Vick got up. "Oh no, that can't be good." He said.
Leigh had found some plain clothes for Alex and the pair of them ran, Leigh's ankle healed now, to the cafe.
(Sorry I disappeared Dx my battery died while I was still out. Home now though!)

“We need to find him as quickly as possible,” Misa replied.

Asuna looked up at her. “This place is pretty big, he could be anywhere. How do we find him?”
Calvin had no idea how James managed to get out, or where he could be. But then he remembered what happened when he met James. "Um... This might sound weird, but... d-do any of you know... where the alcohol is?"
Calvin had no idea how James managed to get out, or where he could be. But then he remembered what happened when he met James. "Um... This might sound weird, but... d-do any of you know... where the alcohol is?"

Asuna looked confused. "The alcohol? Probably in the kitchen, thats where the other drinks were."

"There might not be any left in the kitchen," Misa pointed out. "Alex and James might've drank it all on day one..."
"Oh...I-I wasn't asking because I wanted any... I was just thinking... that maybe James got some..." After finding out that there probably wasn't any, Calvin had no idea where James could be.
"That'd actually be a good place to start looking for him," Misa said. Chances are beer would be one of the first things James would look for.

Willow thought for a moment. "There's gotta be booze somewhere. They were drinking before they banged after the pool, right?"
"Good idea," Misa replied. "Maybe we should split up? We could cover more ground searching in pairs than as one big group."
"Uh... Well, we could search the kitchen, anywhere else there might be alcohol," Misa suggested.

"We'll check the bedrooms," Asuna said, stepping towards Willow. "Right Willow?"

"...Sure," Willow replied, though she wasn't quite sure why the girl immediately moved to her.
"I will check the gym, just in case he might be there." Leigh said. "And the pool area."
Vick smiled. "I'll check the library."
"I will check out the trial room, in case he is hiding out down there." Alex said pumped up. "When I find him, I'm going to teach him a lesson!"
"How did he escape by the way?"
Misa followed Calvin into the kitchen. "...What's happened to James..? I mean, he was always a bit of an *ss when we were younger, but this..."

Willow and Asuna walked together, towards all of the bedrooms, looking for James.
Alex got into the elevator to the trial room to find James. She sighed and held her head in shame as she started to travel down. ... James ...
Vick headed up to the library to find James. He was quickly distracted as a few books, in which he hadn't read had been left out on the table. He inspected them with curiosity.
Leigh had went up to the pool and found nothing, but when she went to the gym, all the lights were off and it was extremely dark.
Misa picked up one of the empty bottles, avoiding sharp pieces from one that looked like it'd been dropped. "I guess he was here," She said quietly, looking around more. "No sign of him now though..."
Misa sighed. "We should go look elsewhere. He's not here, and by the looks of things hes already raided the ehole supply of alcohol. I doubt he'll come back in here."