Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

(Haha bring him back then )

James chuckled. "Okay, but I know that's a big fat lie." He said shuffling closer. "It's your turn."
Calvin woke up, got changed and went out of his room. He went down to the kitchen to see if everyone was still there. "...Hi everyone."
"If there are any icecubes in the kitchen, put one down your underwear and leave it till it melts," Jonathan replied.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Hi Calvin," Misa said. "Are you going to join in with truth or dare?"
Leigh nodded, found an ice cube put it in her underwear and sat down unaffected. "Okay, next person, Calvin-"
"Do you seriously not feel anything?"
Leigh tilted her head confused. "No?"
I'm not surprised, this is Leigh after all.
Leigh looked confused. "Calvin truth or dare?"
"Y-you're still playing that? ...Ummm..." He wasn't sure if he wanted to or not. He'd never played it before, but he did know how to play. Well, sort of. Eventually, he said "...Truth."

(Yay, guess who just got ninja'd again XD)
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Leigh smiled, deciding to give the nervous boy an easy one. "Out of everyone here, who do you like the most as a friend, who do you hate the most and if you had to fight one of us which would it be?"
(I'm baaaaaaaaack and ready to torture the closet demon!)

"...Well..." He hesitated for a moment, He wouldn't exactly say he was friends with anyone here, but most of them were friendly towards him. "...For a friend, I'd say... ummm... Can I say more than one person?"
"...OK... well... I'd actually say m-most of you here..." He didn't want to get embarrassed by somebody's reaction if he said one particular person.
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The person I hate the most? Well, that's easy. He actually had three people in mind because of the things they had done, but he didn't want to say who two of them were because one could easily fight him (or worse... go crazy and kill him), and the other... Well, he dreaded to even think about what the other one would do if they were in the room after seeing what they did to their own sister yesterday. But the remaining one couldn't do much, as he was handcuffed to Jonathan. "...James."
"I'm sure he won't take it personally, everyone more or less hates him." Alex smirked.
"Hey!" He pulled a face at Alex. "Don't worry Calvin I won't kill you over it." He said somewhat to cheerfully.
"...Now, someone I would fight... if I had to..." He didn't want to get into a fight with anyone. Especially not Alex, after seeing what happened in the trial yesterday. "...I actually wouldn't fight anyone..."
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