Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Leigh shook her head. "I'm not afraid, I just can't swim."
Alex dived in and swam around competitively. She raced around the pool to keep up her exercise. "Geez the water is a little colder than usual..." Alex then pulled a face. "Oh no... A...A" Alex was trying to hold in a sneeze.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'll be in the car so slow replies as the connection sucks)
Alex held the sneeze in for a second, but it was inevitable. "ACHOO!" She sneezed and did a flip in the water as she re-emerged as Genocider Syo. "SUP *****ES!"
Calvin was about to go in, but when he saw Syo he nervously took a few steps back. I'm not going in if she's in there, he thought to himself.
"Hey Syo," Willow said offhand, as if this was a totally normal occurence, and then cannonballed into the water. When she surfaced, she glanced at Calvin. "Aren'tcha coming in?"
(See ya I have a double free first so yayy)
Vick had got changed and also started to swim, thinking back to the comical last swimming session they had.
"...Umm..." He didn't really want to because Syo was there. But then he went in anyway and started to swim.

(I'm going to school in about ten minutes so I won't be able to reply then)
Syo found the nervous Calvin in the water, and decided to swim circles around him like a shark. "Dun dun. Dun dun. DUNUNUNUNUN!" She was singing the Jaws theme, getting closer and closer.
Misa watched Calvin and Syo with amusement from the side of the pool, sitting on the edge with her feet in the water.
Syo swam after him with a crazy face, singing the jaws theme even louder. "DUNUNUNUNUN!" She then crashed into Vick who was swimming by. "Ouch- ACHOO!" She returned to normal Alex and sighed. "... Whatever happened... I'm sorry."
Calvin turned around when he heard Alex sneeze. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Alex was back to normal, and hoped that she wouldn't change back to Syo again.
Syo swam after him with a crazy face, singing the jaws theme even louder. "DUNUNUNUNUN!" She then crashed into Vick who was swimming by. "Ouch- ACHOO!" She returned to normal Alex and sighed. "... Whatever happened... I'm sorry."

Misa giggled. "Nothing much happened, you just scared Calvin ****less."
Calvin saw Misa giggling and was annoyed. "Th-that's not funny! She... She could have killed me then!"
"I don't think she'd risk it," Misa reassured him. "Either shed be caught and executed, or she'd get away with it and we'd be executed. Including James."