Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

(Oh lol haha)

Misa headed back to where the bedrooms were and picked an empty one. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

(Yeah sure)
(Time skip!)

Alex woke up the next morning with a dead crushing migraine. "Uhhhh... Stupid hangover." She got out of bed and got changed into some shorts and a baseball shirt. She went out to the kitchen/dinning area. I guess everyone will just meet up there for breakfast.

- - - Post Merge - - -

James got up, head killing, off to find some food to cure his hang over.
Miki walked to the kitchen, shaking. Please no one kill me please no one kill me...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick got up, checked in his hamsters then arrived at the kitchen/dining room first, making food for himself and hamsters, humming some Russian hymn.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh had slept in, as usual, so didn't go to get breakfast.
Kaito woke up stretching and headed over to the dining area / cafeteria / whatever it was called. He wondered whether there would be food prepared or if he's have the chance to cook something himself.

Misa got changed when she woke up into a tshirt and skirt she'd found lying around. Monokuma seemed to have thought of everything. It was kind of thoughtful, in a weird twisted way. The clothes she had fell asleep in had a weird mark down the front - apparently some of the beer she had drank the night before hadn't quite made it to her mouth. She left the room to find her brother. No doubt James would have a hangover by now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Jonathan made his way to go get food, doing his hair as he walked. He had a bobble gripped between his lips to tie it up with, and was brushing his fingers through it to detangle it.
When Alex got to the cafe, she noticed all the food had already been prepared and served, presumably by Monokuma. The hamster boy was picking at a piece of toast while he fed his hamsters rice-crispy pieces, giggling to himself. Alex looked at him as if he was some kind of alien in his own little world, then shrugged, getting a cup of tea and siting on a table next to him, she wasn't good with people, but she figured it was better to have more friends than enemies in a situation like this. "Hey."
Jonathan finished with his hair just as he got to the cafeteria, and spotted the weird hamster boy from yesterday sat at one of the tables. He got a bacon sandwich from the front of the cafeteria where all of the food was already prepared, then sat down on his own as far away as he physically could from the hamster boy.

Kaito sighed, dissapointed to find that food had already been prepared for them. Oh well. Maybe I can make cakes or something sometime, He thought, getting some toast. He spotted a long haired boy sat on his own, and decided to join him. Hi, I'm Kaito," He said as he sat down. Jonathan simply grunted and turned around to face away from him.

- - - Post Merge - - -

When Willow got up, everyone seemed to be going to the cafe, so she followed. Like the typical brit she was, Willow got a cup of tea, and of course a scone to go with it.
Leigh, who had finally woken up, got a cup of tea and a bowl of cocopops, and sat next to the orange haired boy who seemed to be rather cheerful. "Hello..." She said in her monotone but why voice.
Miki got a glass of water, to paranoid to eat, then sat down on the table next to the sleepy girl, then spilled in clumsily. "S-sorry! Forgive me!"
"Hello." He said to the girl next to him, then spotted the boy from yesterday across the room. "Oh. My friend is over there, let's go talk to them da~" He got up, then sat right next to Jonathan.

- - - Post Merge - - -

James walked into the kitchen with a pounding headache. He walked up to where the food and cutlery were, accidently knocking some of it over due to his hangover. "CRAP!"
"Oi! Want to keep it down over there!" Alex shouted at James.
"Shut up!" He shouted back, picking up the stuff he dropped.
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Jonathan heard someone else sit down next to them. Can't they leave me alone? I sat over here for a reason, He thought, turning to see who it was. When his eyes met hamster boy's, his eyes widened. "W-What are you doing here?" He asked, the discomfort evident in his voice.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Hi!" Kaito said cheerfully to the girl with tea and cocopops. "I'm Kaito. What's your name?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Miki got a glass of water, to paranoid to eat, then sat down on the table next to the sleepy girl, then spilled in clumsily. "S-sorry! Forgive me!"

(Wait who's this bit to?)
Leigh did a slight smile. "My name is Leigh, you?" She asked.
James sat down next to Alex. "Hi sexy."
Alex looked irritated, eye brow twitching like that in an anime. "Do you mind?"
"Nope." Then he took a swig of his drink in a small mug.
Alex smelt the tinge of musky alcohol. "Are you drinking at this time in the day?" She asked and face palmed as he just laughed.
Vick smiled at the boy next to him. "Oh what a coincidence we met up again friend, in such a big building, I hope we got over that little squabble last night. You were entirely in the wrong." He giggled. "But I forgive you."
(It was just on the table they were all on) "sorry sorry sorry!" She kept repeating, wiping up the mess she made, the job she was best at, being the ultimate maid.
By the time Misa got to the cafe, more or less everyone was there. Everyone seemed to have their own little conversation groups so Misa just located James and sat next to him with a glass of orange juice.

"My name is Kaito, Kaito Hisakawa. Nice to meet you, Leigh," Kaito grinned. Finally, someone who wasn't just ignoring him.

Jonathan shuffled away slightly from the hamster boy, trying to put a little more space between them. "Uh, okay, whatever you say."
Vick giggled at the boy next to him. "Well, I think we should hang out together today friend, to get to know each other." Putting his hand firmly, and death grippingly tightly on the boys shoulder with a super evil grin. "Right?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Leigh looked around for a second then smiled.
Overhearing the boy talk James interrupted. "Yeah! Everyone should hang out together. Duuuude, there is a huge swimming pool on the 2nd floor apparently, we should all go check it out!" He said, taking another swig of his drink before Alex grabbed it off him.
"HEY! No swimming and drinking, you will hurt yourself!"
Leigh tilted her head. "It seems the old married couple want everyone to go swimming."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"HEY! SHUT UP!" James and Alex shouted at Leigh in unison.
Jonathan sighed. "Sure," He replied. Under normal circumstances, he'd have said no, though currently he wanted hamster boy to let go before he broke something in his shoulder from the death grip.

Misa giggled. 'Old married couple' did actually seem like an acurate description of how the two were acting.
Vick removed his hands and clasped them together. "Oh, how delightful. Since there is food laying around ready for us, I assume the swimming costumes are in the lockers. But there is no need for Jonathan to wear any, I'm sure he will swim commando."
Alex angrily got up. "We aren't a married couple I don't even like him." She muttered to herself. "Once everyone is finshed we should head out."
Leigh stood up. "im sorry, but I cannot swim." She bowed a little. "But I will lay by the pool side."
Miki smiled. "Yes, well it's the thought that counts..."
Jonathan scowled. "I am not swimming commando."

Willow looked over at Jonathan and laughed. "I bloody hope not, neone needs to see your dobber after just meeting you."
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Leigh tilted her head confused at the slang speaking girl. "Excuse me?"
Alex laughed. "Me neither, don't need to see any of that."
James got up. "Let's go everyone!"
Vick smiled, leading the way. "Follow me." He smiled, but the way he said it was like an order.
Miki skipped clumsily after him, Leigh walking closely behind.
Alex spoke to Misa. "Is your brother always that irritating?"
James gave out suspicious looks, then whispered over to the remaining boys near him. "Hey... You guys... Come here..."
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Misa walked with Alex, the red haired girl form last night. "Y-yeah, most of the time. He's a good person though, he's just a bit of an idiot..."

Willow shook her head at the confused girl, indicating 'nevermind'. She kept forgetting that the other people probably wouldn't understand the slang she used from where she grew up.

Jonathan moved over to the blue haired boy to see what he wanted. It was better than being too close to creepy hamster boy.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kaito quickly finished his bacon sandwich, running over to join the others before they left him behind.
James put his arm around Jonathan and (chef boy if he is there haha) "So... Want to tag along with me, we are going on a little detour before we get to our changing rooms." James said with a smirk, obviously some alternative motive. "I thought maybe we could... Sneak into the girls changing rooms... For the laugh!"
Alex smiled a little. "I doubt that." She then noted the girls pretty clothing. "You look very cute." She complimented her.
Miki got the the changing rooms along with Leigh, Vick had quickly got into the boys.
Vick noted each locker had a student name on, so he giggled to himself evilly. He went around everyone's locker, making sure everyone had a pair of trunks... Apart from Jonathan which he threw into the middle of the huge swimming pool with a giggle.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "Is that really a good idea?" He asked. "I don't know about the others, but that red haired girl would prpbably kill us if we were caught."

"R-Really?" Misa asked, caught off guard by the complement. "...I'd say do are too, but you're more... Hot, than cute."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kaito caught up to James and Jonathan, wanting to know where they were going.
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James laughed. "Don't worry guys, it will be fiiiine!" Clearly he had been drinking some seriously strong alcohol earlier on to make him a little tipsy.
Alex went red. "W-What?" She said shocked, she made sure she dressed in a boyish and unfashionable way to avoid comments like this.
Leigh looked around at the swim suits, being a wide selection. "These look really pretty." She said. "Some seem to be a little revealing, while others seem to be quite plain and simple." She stated.
Miki was looking around. "Did Monokuma pick these out? God, he is a creep!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick had changed into his black swimming trunks, taking his hamsters and rolling his scarf into a bed for them in his locker, giving them some food to keep them entertained. "Stay here my dark devas. Daddy will come back." He smiled.
Misa giggled. "Hey, you've gone the same colour as your hair!"

"Sounds like fun," Kaito said, grinning. "Count me in."

Jonathan scowled at the ginger boy. "You're both insane... How would we even manage to sneak in without them noticing?"