Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"A delight? Yeah, right, and I'm the Pope, nice to meet you," Jonathan scowled. "you know exacrly what I'm talking about, in that closet yesterday. You can't just do stuff like that and then walk out as if nothing happened ten seconds later!"
Vick giggled. "Oh Jonathan." He pet the boys head as if he was a dog. "Don't be so silly." He smiled. "I thought it would cheer you up, since you have a crush on me." He giggled, moving teasingly close the his face. "Right?" He smirked.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(In the car so terrible connection)
Jonathan ignored the question, movibg away from Vick again. "You can't just walk out without saying a word like you did as if nothing had even happened! What the hell am I supposed to hink after that?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"We should probably go get him," Misa replied.
"Yes I can, I always do what I want." Vick said, quickly and harshly pushing Jonathan against the wall and kissing him again. "See." He said then walked off to the kitchen.
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Jonathan stood in shock for a long while, still stod against the wall even after Vick had gone. ...Why does he keep doing that?! He eventually composed himself and went for breakfast, sitting between Misa, and Willow who had just came in.
Alex stood up. "I'll go get James." She walked out the room.
Vic sat by Calvin eating breakfast. "Good morning."
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"You alright?" Willow asked Jonathan quietly, watching him butter a slice of toast as violently as physically possible.

"No, No I'm not," Jonathan replied rather aggressively. He glared at Vick across the table. "Vick is a b*stard. He's evil and manipulative... and cruel... and... and..."

"Wait, Jonathan, are you crying?" Misa butted in. She'd never seen the boy cry before, but his eyes were difinitely filling up with tears now.

Jonathan wiped his eyes. "No. Definitely not."

(Jonathan.exe has stopped working.)
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"Vick, I think you broke Jonathan," Misa said, as she waved at Alex and James when they returned.

(I've gotta go too, the bell is gonna go. see you later)
"What did you actually do?" Misa asked Vick curiously. Even if Jonayhan was overreacting, he must've done something.
Vick shrugged. "Nothing." He stood up. "I'm going to the library again." He said, he liked to read up in the library as it seemed to have a lot of information on things.
"I don't want to talk about it..." Jonathan muttered, burying his face in his arms on the table in front of him.

Misa looked at Calvin. "It sounds like Vick pissed Jonathan off, though I don't know what exactly happened..." She replied. "Was he alright when you went to check on him yesterday?"