Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Not really... B-but he was fine before he went into that closet with Vick... So I-I thought that something had happened in there... but I don't know what..."
(Sorry, I've been with my cousins, back now though.)

"N-No, nothing like that..." Jonathan muttered, muffled by his sleeve.

"Then did he threaten you?" Misa asked, and Jonathan shook his head.
"Can we drop this? I said I don't want to talk about it..." He muttered.

Misa stared at him. "We can't drop this. If he's hurt you, we can't let him get away with it."

"I told you he didn't hurt me," Jonathan replied, anger in his voice. "At least not physically..." He added, quieter.
"Y-you know... I think we should just leave him alone... if he doesn't want to talk about it..."

(Awww Calvin, you're no fun :( )
Jonathan sighed. Calvin seemed to get that he didn't want to talk about it, but the girls didn't seem to be giving up. "Fine. Yesterday, when you left us in that closet, he... He kissed me... And then broke down the door and walked away without a word like nothing had even happened... Then he did it again this morning, just to prove a point."
"Woohoo! Go Jonathan!" James cheered.
Alex kicked James' shin. "Shut up!" She then looked confused. "Vick kissed you? Kissed? Are you sure he wasn't... Attacking you or something?"
"How cute." Leigh giggled. "You know Jonathan, Vick doesn't really... Express himself in the best way, but I don't think this is a bad thing."
"No, he definitely kissed me..." He told Alex. "But then he just... Walked out, and left me standing there wondering what the hell was going on...Who the hell does that..?"
Jonathan's face started to go red. "...Actually he was quite a good kisser..." He muttered, barely audible. "...Anyway, that's not the problem, idiot!"