Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Misa looked a little shocked. She's never seen Leigh angry before. "Are there any others? Then you could be Sailor Moon and Alex could be one of the other Sailors?" She suggested.
(I've got two frees yay)
Leigh grabbed the outfit and hugged at it. "Yayyy!"
"I'm sure one of my friends had a friend with sailor moon style hair..." She said for a second, but couldn't really remember her face. (References)
Leigh shoved a red sailor outfit towards Alex. "You are sailor Mars!" She then forced a blue one into Misa's hands. "You are Mercury." She then forced one into Willows hands. "And you are Jupiter!"
"... She is scary when it comes to cosplay..."
"Oh, Asuna, you can be Venus!"
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(yaaay xD I'm free too actually)

"Ooh, yay!" Asuna replied, glad there were actually enough for a costume each.

"Wow, you really get into this..." Misa said.

(So I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year (if you don't know basically you try to write a full 50k word story by the end of the month) and I'm actually thinking of using this kind of plot so I can use a couple of the characters (I totally need to do Jonathan x Vick <3))
(Ohhhhh Cool I might take part)

Leigh was pulling a exited face. "Yessss!" She ran off to get changed.
"I'm not changing."
"YES YOU ARE WE NEED SAILOR MARS!" Leigh said, cuffing James to the radiator and dragging Alex into the changing rooms.
"... Okay who killed Leigh and is pretending to be her?"
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"We just found something she's passionate about, James," Misa said. "..Half the time you're like this about beer..." She and Asuna followed Leigh and Alex off to the changing rooms.

Willow didn't bother with changing rooms and just got changed there and then, not even bothered that James and Calvin(? is he still there?) were in the room.
James tried to avert his eyes, sort of. "Erm, do you not want to change with the girls?"
Alex, against her will, was forced to change by Leigh. "Ouch! Don't be so rough." Alex complained.
"Don't be a baby, you will appreciate wearing clothes like this after you start putting on weight!" Leigh burst out. (I imagine Leigh had become like Bernadette XD)
"Hey! I'm not getting fat!" Alex said defensively.
Leigh got changed herself, putting her hair in twin ponytails.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick stood up after he finished reading. "I wonder I there is anything else in here that can give us some clues." He started to look around.
Willow shrugged. "Does it bother you?" She asked.

(aww crap I've gotta go ;_; the bell just went. I'll be back in about an hour if you're still on then)
(I might be at choir)
"No..." James said. "I don't mind, it's just my eyes are too pure and innocent for your display." He said jokingly, looking away.
"Yeah, right," Willow scoffed, putting the sailor outfit on. "And I'm the Queen of England."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Jonathan got up and started looking through the library, for anything linked to this great disaster or the 'Remnants of Despair' that was mentioned.
(I don't even know how to access the internet from my school, so I'm never able to post when I'm in school ;-;

Willow didn't bother with changing rooms and just got changed there and then, not even bothered that James and Calvin(? is he still there?) were in the room.

(Yep, he is)

Calvin looked away when Willow was getting changed. "I-I'm not getting changed...!" he said.

(Calvin is just begging to be forced into something silly XD)
Leigh dived out of the changing rooms, ready and doing a pose. "I am Sailor Moon, champion of justice! On behalf of the moon, I will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means you!" She said pointing at James.
"What did I do?!" James shouted.
Alex was looking a little embarrassed, claiming it was too revealing, but disregarded it when the opportunity to fight James was proposed. "Yes! Let's knock James out!"
"That's not how this works!"
"Calvin, it's your turn to be dressed up!" She smiled, cutely but creepy.
"Okay, this girl gets way to excited about dress up."
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"Don't be such a spoil sport, Calvin," Asuna said, coming out of the changing rooms, Misa trailing behind a few seconds later.

"Wait, Willow, when did you get changed?" Misa asked, confused. "I thought you didn't go to the changing rooms yet..?"
"Willow just got changed out here." James said plainly.
Leigh chucked Calvin a random costume from the hangers. "Put it on." She smiled. "Do it."
"N-no!" he said.

"If we can force Alex to put on a dress, we can force you to get changed, you know," Asuna said.

"Nothing, nothing," Misa told James. "I just... Know your track record around girls..."

Willow turnted around as James shouted. "Somethin wrong?" She asked.
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