Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Calvin heard Jonathan beong found by Vick. He knew it would only be a matter of time until he and Misa would be found next.
(*steals a chocolate bar (even though I don't like chocolate) while dressed up as Francine while bumping this thread*)
(Sorry me and Tia have been at Newcastle today)

Vick grabbed Jonathan flipped and body slammed him onto the floor, doing the 'special punishment' of tickling someone to near death. "Mweheheh!"
(What XD)

Calvin heard a loud 'thump' when Jonathan was body-slammed onto the floor, which only scared him even more.
Jonathan screamed, in quite a feminine way, trying to scramble backwards away from Vick. He bumped into a bookcase behind him, effectively trapping him, and bumping the back of his head in the process. "S-stop, stop!" He cried, laughing.
Hmm... I bet Vick is too busy giving Jonathan the 'special punishment'. Maybe I could sneak out of here while he's doing it... Nah, maybe not. He didn't want to risk it, but at the same time he didn't want to go through Vick's 'special punishment'. Especially not after what he had done in the library earlier, even though Vick didn't know that Calvin was the one who ate the chocolate bar.
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(Btw SuperStar, what's your actual name? It's okay if you don't want to share, it's just it's usually easier to refer to people using names rather than user names)
Vick finished tickling Jonathan. "You are on with me now!" He then also showed Jonathan the chocolate bar he found. "Also, did you eat this?"
Jonathan eventually got up, once Vick had stopped tickling him. He glanced at the chocolate bar wrapper. "No? Where'd that come from?"
Calvin thought of what he was going to say if Vick asked him about the chocolate bar wrapper.

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(Sorry I was so late replying - I've been watching fireworks!)
Just say you went in your room, he thought to himself. Say that you... forgot to... forgot to put a book away in your room!